Libharu pdf 创建:如何知道打印文本的大小

Libharu pdf creation : How to know the size of the printed text

我目前正在使用 libharu 库来在 C++ 程序中呈现一些 pdf。


HPDF_Page_TextRect 绘图方法将 return 如果文本不能适合提供的矩形,则 HPDF_PAGE_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE 消息,但我想知道是否有办法计算文本适合特定字体的最小大小。



HPDF_STATUS drawString_2(HPDF_Page pdfPage, CString texte, COLORREF textColor, HPDF_Font font, HPDF_REAL fontSize, HPDF_REAL left, HPDF_REAL right, HPDF_REAL top, 
                         HPDF_REAL bottom, HPDF_TextAlignment alignment, HPDF_REAL textRise = 0, HPDF_TextRenderingMode renderingMode = HPDF_FILL);

HPDF_REAL calculateMaxWidthForTextInRect2(HPDF_Page pdfPage, CString texte, HPDF_REAL left, HPDF_REAL right, HPDF_REAL top, HPDF_REAL bottom, HPDF_Font font, HPDF_REAL fontSize);

HPDF_STATUS drawString_2(HPDF_Page pdfPage, CString texte, COLORREF textColor, HPDF_Font font, HPDF_REAL fontSize, HPDF_REAL left, HPDF_REAL right, HPDF_REAL top, 
                         HPDF_REAL bottom, HPDF_TextAlignment alignment, HPDF_REAL textRise, HPDF_TextRenderingMode renderingMode)
#ifdef DEBUG
        assert(font != NULL);
        if (font == NULL)
            return 1;
    HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(pdfPage, font, fontSize);
    HPDF_Page_SetTextRise(pdfPage, textRise);
    HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode(pdfPage, renderingMode);
    HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(pdfPage, GetRValue(textColor) / 255.f, GetGValue(textColor) / 255.f, GetBValue(textColor) / 255.f);
    HPDF_STATUS returnValue = HPDF_Page_TextRect(pdfPage, left, top, right, bottom, (LPCSTR)texte, alignment, NULL);

    return returnValue;

HPDF_REAL calculateMaxWidthForTextInRect2(HPDF_Page pdfPage, CString texte, HPDF_REAL left, HPDF_REAL right, HPDF_REAL top, HPDF_REAL bottom, HPDF_Font font, HPDF_REAL fontSize)
    // Let's draw outside the page size, so the text, even invisible, will not be selectionnable and copyable
    HPDF_REAL leftTmp           = -(right - left);
    HPDF_REAL rightTmp          = 0;
    HPDF_REAL topTmp            = -(bottom - top);
    HPDF_REAL bottomTmp         = 0;

    HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode(pdfPage, HPDF_INVISIBLE);

    // Let's reduce horizontally the rect until the drawing fails
    while (drawString_2(pdfPage, texte, RGB(0, 0, 0), font, fontSize, leftTmp, rightTmp, topTmp, bottomTmp, HPDF_TALIGN_CENTER, 0, HPDF_INVISIBLE) == HPDF_OK)
        leftTmp ++;
        rightTmp --;

    // If no drawing has be performed, the text cannot be rendered in the provided rect
    if (rightTmp == 0)
        return -1;

    // Let's decrement the shifting in order to get the latest correct value
    leftTmp --;
    rightTmp ++;

    return (rightTmp - leftTmp);


                    HPDF_Page pdfPage, 
                    HPDF_Font pdfFont, 
                    HPDF_REAL pdfFontSize, 
                    HPDF_REAL rectProvidedLeft, 
                    HPDF_REAL rectProvidedRight, 
                    HPDF_REAL rectProvidedTop, 
                    char *pText )
    if ( pdfPage <= 0 || pdfFont <= 0 || pdfFontSize <= 0 )

    HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize ( pdfPage, pdfFont, pdfFontSize );
    HPDF_REAL dTextExtent = HPDF_Page_TextWidth ( pdfPage, pText );

    // reduce font size until text fit in provided rectangle
    HPDF_REAL nReducedFontSize = pdfFontSize;
    while ( dTextExtent > (rectProvidedRight-rectProvidedLeft) && nReducedFontSize >= 0 )
        HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize ( pdfPage, pdfFont, --nReducedFontSize );
        dTextExtent         = HPDF_Page_TextWidth ( pdfPage, pText );
    if ( nReducedFontSize == 0 )
        return HPDF_STRING_OUT_OF_RANGE;

    HPDF_Page_BeginText     ( pdfPage );
    HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos   ( pdfPage, rectProvidedLeft, rectProvidedTop );
    HPDF_STATUS pdfStatus   = HPDF_Page_ShowText    ( pdfPage, pText );
    HPDF_Page_EndText       ( pdfPage );

    return pdfStatus;