
Pulling out shapeless polymorphic functions that have dependencies

shapeless 的新手,我对使用需要某些依赖项的多态函数有疑问。我基本上有这段代码,想从 运行 方法中提取 somePoly 对象:

import shapeless._
object SomeObject {
    type SomeType = Int :+: String :+: (String, Int) :+: CNil

    def run( someList: List[SomeType], someInt:Int, someWord:String ) = {

       object somePoly extends Poly1 {
           implicit def doIt = at[Int]( i => i + someInt + someWord.length)
           implicit def doIt2 = at[String]( i => i.length + someWord.length)
           implicit def doIt3 = at[(String, Int)]( i => i._1.length + someWord.length)

       someList.map( _.map(somePoly) )


object TypeContainer {
  type SomeType = Int :+: String :+: (String, Int) :+: CNil
case class SomePolyWrapper( someList: List[TypeContainer.SomeType], someInt:Int, someWord:String ){
    object somePoly extends Poly1 {
       implicit def doIt = at[Int]( i => i + someInt + someWord.length)
       implicit def doIt2 = at[String]( i => i.length + someWord.length)
      implicit def doIt3 = at[(String, Int)]( i => i._1.length + someWord.length)
object SomeObject {

    def run( someList: List[TypeContainer.SomeType], someInt:Int, someWord:String ) = {

       val somePolyWrapper = SomePolyWrapper(someList, someInt, someWord)

       someList.map( _.map(somePolyWrapper.somePoly) )


Scala 的隐式解析系统的局限性意味着 Poly 定义需要是一个稳定的标识符,这使得这种事情比它应该的更痛苦。正如我在 Gitter 上提到的,我知道有几个解决方法(可能还有其他方法)。

一种方法是将 Poly1 设为 PolyN,其中额外的参数用于 someIntsomeWord 值。如果您在 HList 上进行映射,则可以使用 mapConstzip 使输入 HList 具有正确的形状。我从来没有为联产品做过这件事,但类似的事情可能会奏效。

另一种方法是使用自定义类型 class。在您的情况下,可能看起来像这样:

import shapeless._

trait IntFolder[C <: Coproduct] {
  def apply(i: Int, w: String)(c: C): Int

object IntFolder {
  implicit val cnilIntFolder: IntFolder[CNil] = new IntFolder[CNil] {
    def apply(i: Int, w: String)(c: CNil): Int = sys.error("Impossible")

  def instance[H, T <: Coproduct](f: (H, Int, String) => Int)(implicit
    tif: IntFolder[T]
  ): IntFolder[H :+: T] = new IntFolder[H :+: T] {
    def apply(i: Int, w: String)(c: H :+: T): Int = c match {
      case Inl(h) => f(h, i, w)
      case Inr(t) => tif(i, w)(t)

  implicit def iif[T <: Coproduct: IntFolder]: IntFolder[Int :+: T] =
    instance((h, i, w) => h + i + w.length)

  implicit def sif[T <: Coproduct: IntFolder]: IntFolder[String :+: T] =
    instance((h, i, w) => h.length + i + w.length)

  implicit def pif[T <: Coproduct: IntFolder]: IntFolder[(String, Int) :+: T] =
    instance((h, i, w) => h._1.length + i + w.length)

然后你可以写一个更通用的版本 run:

def run[C <: Coproduct](
  someList: List[C],
  someInt: Int,
  someWord: String
)(implicit cif: IntFolder[C]): List[Int] = someList.map(cif(someInt, someWord))


scala> run(List(Coproduct[SomeType](1)), 10, "foo")
res0: List[Int] = List(14)

scala> run(List(Coproduct[SomeType](("bar", 1))), 10, "foo")
res1: List[Int] = List(16)
