Clearcase 元素别名及其问题

Clearcase element aliases and issues with it

当我在 "a.txt"(基本 CC vob 中的文件)上进行描述时,我在输出中看到 "two visible paths",并且可以从两个路径中看到该文件。

换句话说,a.txt 出现在两个不同的文件夹中,当你做一个版本树时,你会看到相同的结果 folders.i 明白它有别名。


Is it a sort of evil twin?

通常不会,因为an evil twin involves the same path(和不同的分支)

技术说明“cleartool checkvob -evil_twin <vobtag> displays twins whose names are not identical”提到使用 cleartool checkvob -evil_twin <vobtag> 来检查 a.txt 是否涉及邪恶的双胞胎。


cleartool describe -aliases -all /var/tmp/myvob/a.txt

主要用于identify an hard link:

You can also use cleartool find executed as follows from the root of the VOB:

cleartool find -all -exec 'cleartool describe -fmt "%[aliases]ACQp\n" $CLEARCASE_XPN'

This output will provide for you a list of all the elements in the VOB, and if a given element has more than one hardlink, the other hard link will be displayed after a comma in the list.
The output will look similar to the following:

"/vobs/TestVOB1@@/main/dir1/7/1.txt", "/vobs/TestVOB1@@/main/dir1/7/"