Powershell 比较日期并在禁用且在范围内时启用 AD 用户

Powershell compare dates and enable AD User if disabled and in range

我似乎不明白为什么这个脚本不起作用。没有错误,但 $User 对象未被评估为 $True。目标是在另一个系统显示重新雇用日期小于或等于从今天起 8 天的情况下启用重新雇用用户的 AD 帐户。

$CSVLine = "C:\scripts\adp\Test ADP Import spec.csv"
$ErrorLog = "C:\scripts\adp\ADPProcessErrors.csv"
$a = Get-Date

ForEach ($row in (import-csv $CSVLine)) {
$User = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter ("(sAMAccountName=" + $Row.sAMAccountName + ")") -Properties *
#Write-Host ("User:" + $user.samaccountname + " enabled =" + $user.enabled + " ")
 If ((($User.Enabled -eq $False)) -and ($Row.'Date of hire/rehire' -gt $a) -and (($Row.'Date of hire/rehire') -le ($a.AddDays(8))) )    {

        (Set-ADUser -Enabled $True -Identity $User)
        ("SID:" + $Row.sAMAccountName + ", User:[" + $User.givenName + " " + $User.sn + "] Re-Hire date is in range. Account enabled.") | Out-File -FilePath $ErrorLog -Append

                 Write-Host ("CSV Object: " + $Row.'Date of hire/rehire'.GetType())
                 Write-Host ("CSV Object Value:" + $Row.'Date of hire/rehire' + " " )
                 Write-Host ("User:" + $user.samaccountname + " enabled =" + $user.enabled + " ")

如果没有输入文件的样本,很难说,但是,如果您没有收到任何错误,我会首先检查 $Row.sAMAccountName 是否正在评估循环内的任何内容。就像您注释掉的 Write-Host 行一样,对于 $user 属性。


可能需要将这些日期转换为 [datetime]/dates,以便针对 $a 进行数学运算。最有可能将它们视为字符串来进行字母比较。

PS C:\Users\mcameron> "b" -gt "a"


PS C:\Users\mcameron> [datetime]"2/8/2015"
Sunday, February 08, 2015 12:00:00 AM

将您的 if 更新为以下内容:

If ((($User.Enabled -eq $False)) -and ([datetime]($Row.'Date of hire/rehire') -gt $a) -and ([datetime]($Row.'Date of hire/rehire') -le ($a.AddDays(8))) ){