以 Apple 原生格式 (AND) 发布到 Apple News 的文章能否包含来自 URL 的图片?

Can articles published to Apple News in Apple Native Format (ANF) include images from a URL?

我正在创建要上传到 Apple News 的 Apple 本机格式 (ANF) 文档。 the documentation 中的示例在 "bundle" 中上传图像,以及必要的 article.json 文件。然后通过 Bundle URL 引用这些图像,例如:

  "role": "photo",
  "URL": "bundle://summer.jpg",
  "caption": "Thanks to the record drought...."

是否可以对互联网上的图像使用 URL,例如:

  "role": "photo",
  "URL": "http://some.cdn.com/adsf8765a/summer.jpg",
  "caption": "Thanks to the record drought...."

我也这么认为,但到目前为止我上传到我们的 Sandbox 帐户的文章拒绝显示任何未捆绑的图像。这些图片确实符合 the required specifications.



Apple 的官方回复证实了以下答案。

We do not currently support remote urls for images, though it is an existing enhancement request that we are considering for the future.

简短回答,不,您需要使用捆绑包 url 并附上所有需要的图像。至少我们从来没有找到指定外部 URL.


根据文档(0.9 草案):

For use in the Preview Tool, image URLs must begin with bundle:// and must refer to images in the same directory as the document. Image file names should be properly encoded as URLs. For example, spaces in a URL should be encoded as %20. Images used with the Preview Tool should be no more than 20 MB, and height and width should not exceed 6000 pixels.



现在可以通过 URL 引用图像。

Image URLs can begin with http://, https://, or bundle://. If the image URL begins with bundle://, the referenced image file must be in the same directory as the document.

Source: Apple News Format Reference

我不确定它何时首次可用,但我们从 2016 年年中开始就一直在使用它。