
Inferring general typeclass instance from a series of smaller ones?




class Known f a where
    known :: f a

这应该能够在特定索引处生成给定类型的规范构造,这对于处理 GADT 和其他东西很有用。我给出了 this 的简化版本,其中包含相关部分。

所以显然有一个实例 Proxy:

instance Known Proxy a where
    known = Proxy


> known :: Proxy Monad

但是还有一个实例 this HList-like type:

data Prod f :: [k] -> * where
    PNil :: Prod f '[]
    (:<) :: f a -> Prod f as -> Prod f (a ': as)

infixr 5 (:<)

其中 Prod f '[a,b,c] 大致相当于 (f a, f b, f c) 元组。相同的 Functor,不同的类型。


instance Known (Prod f) '[] where
    known = PNil
instance (Known f a, Known (Prod f) as) => Known (Prod f) (a ': as) where
    known = known :< known

效果很好:(假设是 Show 实例)

> known :: Prod Proxy '[1,2,3]
Proxy :< Proxy :< Proxy :< PNil

但是,我需要在所有 as 上创建一个 "polymorphic" 函数...但是 GHC 不喜欢它。

asProds :: forall as. Proxy as -> Prod Proxy as
asProds _ = known :: Prod Proxy as


No instance for (Known (Prod f) as)
  arising from a use of 'known'

我想这就是说 GHC 无法证明它会选择一个适用于 any as 的实例,或者,它不会'有一个为该实例构建 known 的策略。

作为一个人,我知道是这种情况,但有什么办法可以让它发挥作用吗?这些实例都是 "in scope" 并且可用...但是我如何告诉 GHC 如何以它满意的方式构建它?

如果 class 没有约束,则不能使用它的方法。只需添加约束:

asProds :: forall as. Known (Prod Proxy) as => Proxy as -> Prod Proxy as
asProds _ = known :: Prod Proxy as  

注意 GHC 可以推断出这种类型:

asProds (_ :: Proxy as) = known :: Prod Proxy as
-- inferred constraint

由于类型被擦除,因此在没有字典的情况下运行无法从中构建实例。对于一个种类的所有居民都存在实例在逻辑上可能是正确的,但是对于程序我们需要字典 - 建设性证明 - 运行.
