
Unable to call a step definition within another step with a dynamic object

我正在使用 specflow 编写一些 UI 测试。


Scenario: I can add multiple users
    Given I add the following users
        | FirstName | Surname | Age |
        | Tom       | Jerrum  | 21  |
        | Another   | Person  | 38  |
        | Jimmy     | Jones   | 25  |
    Then I have 3 users displayed


[Given(@"I add the following users")]
public void GivenIAddTheFollowingUsers(IEnumerable<dynamic> people)
    foreach(var person in people)
        When(@"I go to the add person page");
        Then(@"I enter the details of the person", person);
        When(@"I save the new person");
        Then(@"I am taken back to the view people page");

[Then(@"I enter the details of the person")]
public void ThenIEnterTheDetailsOfThePerson(dynamic person)


{"The best overloaded method match for 'TechTalk.SpecFlow.Steps.When(string, TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)' has some invalid arguments"}

尝试调用 Then(@"I enter the details of the person", person); 时出现此错误 由于此错误,无法访问步骤定义中的代码。


解决这个问题的方法是为每个人建立一个 table...

[Given(@"I add the following users")]
public void GivenIAddTheFollowingUsers(IEnumerable<dynamic> people)
    foreach(var person in people)
        var header = new [] {"FirstName", "Surname", "Age"};
        var personTable = new Table(header);
        personTable.AddRow(person.FirstName, person.Surname, person.Age);

        When(@"I go to the add person page");
        Then(@"I enter the details of the person", personTable);
        When(@"I save the new person");
        Then(@"I am taken back to the view people page");

这似乎可行,但我想避免为每个人建立一个新的 table。