如何使用 cJSON 读取字符串

How to read a string with cJSON

我正在使用 cJSON 但不知何故我无法让字符串工作:

void myfile()
  cJSON* type = NULL;
  char text1[]="{\n\"name\": \"Jack (\\"Bee\\") Nimble\", \n\"format\": {\"type\":       \"rect\", \n\"width\":      1920, \n\"height\":     1080, \n\"interlace\":  false,\"frame rate\": 24\n}\n}";
  cJSON * root = cJSON_Parse(text);
  cJSON * format = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"format"); 
  int framerate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(format,"frame rate")->valueint;
  type = cJSON_GetObjectItem(format,"type")->valuestring;
  char * rendered = cJSON_Print(root);
  printf("rate = %d, type = %s \n", framerate, type) ;


char *type[] = cJSON_GetObjectItem(format,"type")->valuestring;

char text[]="{\n\"name\": \"Jack (\\"Bee\\") Nimble\", \n\"format\": {\"type\":       \"rect\", \n\"width\":      1920, \n\"height\":     1080, \n\"interlace\":  false,\"frame rate\": 24\n}\n}";
cJSON * root   = cJSON_Parse(text);
cJSON * format = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"format"); 
cJSON * type   = cJSON_GetObjectItem(format,"type");
int framerate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(format,"frame rate")->valueint;
char * rendered = cJSON_Print(root);
printf("%s\n", rendered);
printf("rate = %d, type = %s \n", framerate, type->valuestring);