不确定如何在 XQuery 中过滤这个简单的 FLWOR 查询?

Not certain how exactly to filter this simple FLWOR query in XQuery?

老实说,我原以为这个简单的查询不会有太多问题,但我应该编写一个查询来显示哪些病房的枪支相关犯罪最多,但我只停留在 1-2 行代码并在 XBase 中不断收到此错误:

descendant::ward: node expected as input

我尝试使用 "where" 代替第一个 "let",因为我将结果限制为 "GUN" 犯罪,但随后出现此错误:

Incomplete FLWOR expression: expecting 'return'.


  xquery version "1.0";
declare variable $crimes := doc('dc_crime.xml')//crime;

   Query to display total number of gun crimes by ward


for $ward in distinct-values(doc('dc_crime.xml'))//ward
let $details := $crimes[ward=$ward] 
let $count := count($details)
order by $count descending

<count ward="{$ward}" crimes="{$count}">{$details}</count>

示例 XML 片段:

 <crime id="13086252">
      <offense>ASSAULT W/DANGEROUS WEAPON</offense>
   <crime id="13086254">
   <crime id="13086257">
   <crime id="13086268">
   <crime id="13086278">
      <offense>THEFT F/AUTO</offense>

我对 XQuery 还是很陌生,但是有人可以告诉我我做错了什么吗?非常感谢。

您可以将 crime 元素限制为谓词表达式中具有子 method 等于 "GUN" 的元素,例如:

for $ward in distinct-values(doc('dc_crime.xml')//ward)
(: notice the added `and method='GUN'` in the predicate :)
let $details := $crimes[ward=$ward and method='GUN'] 
let $count := count($details)
order by $count descending


declare variable $crimes := doc('dc_crime.xml')//crime[method='GUN'];