Disable/reset xterm 中的粗体

Disable/reset bold in xterm

用转​​义序列 "3[21m" 用来 reset/remove bold/bright:

echo -e "Text3[1mMore text3[21mEnd"





如您所见,在xterm "3[21m"中更改下划线和重新设置粗体我们需要使用"3[0m",这是为什么?

有没有办法改变这种行为? (也许用一些参数启动 xterm)

根据XTerm Control Sequences,SGR 21 是"doubly-underlined":

CSI Pm m  Character Attributes (SGR).

        Ps = 2 1  -> Doubly-underlined (ISO 6429).
        Ps = 2 2  -> Normal (neither bold nor faint).
        Ps = 2 3  -> Not italicized (ISO 6429).
        Ps = 2 4  -> Not underlined.
        Ps = 2 5  -> Steady (not blinking).
        Ps = 2 7  -> Positive (not inverse).
        Ps = 2 8  -> Visible, i.e., not hidden (VT300).
        Ps = 2 9  -> Not crossed-out (ISO 6429).

也许你想要 SGR 22。

双下划线功能已在 xterm 中实现 patch #305:

minor reorganization to implement “filler” SGR features. There are no established applications which rely upon these; some people find them amusing.

  • separate bits used to manage drawing state from attribute-bits.
  • implement SGR codes 2, 3, 9, 21 and their corresponding resets.
  • add configure option --disable-wide-attrs to disable the feature.