非虚拟析构函数 c++ 的异常

exception with non virtual destructor c++

当我们超出 catch 块作用域时,是否会调用异常析构函数? (以防我们不重新抛出它)

假设我有 class A,并且它的析构函数不是虚拟的。 B继承了A。 假设某个函数将 B class 的对象作为异常抛出, 它被捕获块捕获

catch(A& a){

如果在超出catch范围时调用异常析构函数, 在这种情况下,只有基础 class A 的析构函数会被调用?

玉米杆: 调用两个 class 析构函数的现场试验结果。


when we go out of catch block scope, does the exception destructor is called? (In case we don't rethrow it)


[C++11: 15.1/4]: [..] The exception object is destroyed after either the last remaining active handler for the exception exits by any means other than rethrowing, or the last object of type std::exception_ptr (18.8.5) that refers to the exception object is destroyed, whichever is later. [..]

if the exception destructor should be called when go out of catch scope, in this case only the base class A's d'tor will be called?


#include <iostream>

struct A
    A() { std::cout << "A()"; }
    A(const A&) { std::cout << "A(const A&)"; }
    A(A&&) { std::cout << "A(A&&)"; }
    ~A() { std::cout << "~A()"; }

struct B : A
    B() { std::cout << "B()"; }
    B(const B&) { std::cout << "B(const B&)"; }
    B(B&&) { std::cout << "B(B&&)"; }
    ~B() { std::cout << "~B()"; }

int main()
    try {
        throw B();
    catch (A&) {

// Output: A()B()~B()~A()

虽然我没有引用标准,但似乎抛出一个 B 并捕捉一个 A& 将导致 AB的析构函数被调用。 Live demo:

#include <iostream>

struct A
    ~A() { std::cout << "A::~A" << std::endl; }

struct B : public A
    ~B() { std::cout << "B::~B" << std::endl; }

void throwit()
    throw B{};

int main()
    std::cout << "beginning main scope" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "beginning inner scope" << std::endl;

            std::cout << "calling throwit()" << std::endl;
        catch (A& a)
            std::cout << "caught exception" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "ending inner scope" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "ending main scope" << std::endl;


beginning main scope
beginning inner scope
calling throwit()
caught exception
ending inner scope
ending main scope

如您所见,两个析构函数都被调用了。额外的范围打印非常清楚地显示析构函数何时被调用(在 catch 块的末尾)。


if the exception destructor should be called when go out of catch scope, in this case only the base class A's d'tor will be called?

实现将始终正确销毁异常对象,无论它是如何捕获的。实现构造了异常对象,所以它知道如何销毁它。这与通过指针调用 delete 时不同,因为在那种情况下,此时关于对象的完整类型的信息不完整(它可能已在其他地方被 newed)除非存在虚拟析构函数。

如果不是这样,catch (...) 将永远无法工作。



当你在没有虚拟析构函数的情况下多态删除一个对象,或者你终止(通过 delete 运算符或显式析构函数调用)一个不完整类型的对象并且适当的析构函数是非平凡的,标准不会说那个对象被摧毁了。它并没有说调用了 base class 析构函数。它说你有未定义的行为。