
c++ accessing header file information

我正在尝试访问我在头文件中声明的变量。当我尝试将 women 之类的变量分配给 0 时,我收到一条错误消息:“'women' 未在此范围内声明。”我不确定这是什么意思。即使它包含 school.h,我是否必须再次在 .cc 文件中声明变量? 另外,我收到一个关于我的重载赋值运算符的错误,它显示为 "ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘School’ with no type, expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token, ‘bool operator==(int)’ must have an argument of class or enumerated type."


#include "school.h"

void School ()
  women = 0;
  rateAI = 0;
  rateSys = 0;
  rateTheory = 0;
  effectiveness = 0;
  ratePubs = 0;
  overallRating = 0;

void School (string myName, string myState, int theWomen, int myRateAI, int myRateSys,int myRateTheory, int myEffectiveness, int myRatePubs)
  name = myName;
  state = myState;
  women = theWomen;
  rateAI = myRateAI;
  rateSys = myRateSys;
  rateTheory = myRateTheory;
  effectiveness = myEffectiveness;
  ratePubs = myRatePubs;
  overallRating = 0;

bool operator ==(const School &x, const School &y)
  return x.overallRating == y.overallRating;
bool operator >(const School &x, const School &y)
  return x.overallRating > y.overallRating;
bool operator <(const School &x, const School &y)
  x.overallRating < y.overallRating;
bool operator >=(const School &x, const School &y)
  x.overallRating >= y.overallRating;
bool operator <=(const School &x,const School &y)
  x.overallRating <= y.overallRating;
bool operator !=(const School &x, const School &y)
  x.overallRating != y.overallRating;


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#ifndef SCHOOL_H
#define SCHOOL_H
class School {
string name;      
string state;    
int women;      
int rateAI;     
int rateSys;      
int rateTheory;  
int effectiveness;  
int ratePubs;     
int overallRating;  // overall rating that considers all of the above factors 
School ();
School (string myName, string myState, int theWomen, int myRateAI, int myRateSys,
    int myRateTheory, int myEffectiveness, int myRatePubs);
void printSchoolInfo ();
void computeRating (int weightWomen, int weightAI, int weightSys, 
            int weightTheory, int weightEffect, int    weightPubs);

bool operator ==(const School &x,const School &y);
bool operator >(const School &x,const School &y);
bool operator <(const School &x,const School &y);
bool operator >=(const School &x,const School &y);
bool operator <=(const School &x,const School &y);
bool operator !=(const School &x,const School &y);

成员以 ClassName::member 名称的形式定义。

void School () is a free function. 
School::School(){ is the definition of the constructor. 
