通过模拟请求使用异步 api 调用测试组件

Testing components with async api calls by mocking the request

我仍处于 Cljs 和 Om 的学习阶段。我正在研究编写组件测试。有些组件 cljs-http 调用了我创建的 API。测试时,我不希望那些 API 调用实际发送请求,因此我正在研究模拟请求并返回固定装置。这是我的示例组件:

(defn async-component [data owner]
    (will-mount [_]
      (let [resp (go ((<! (async-call "/") :body))]
        (om/update! data [:objects] resp)))
    (render [_]
        (om/build-all item-component data)])))

(defn async-call [path]
  (http/get path {:keywordize-keys true}))


我现在想做的是测试这个 async-component 和 API 调用,看看它是否会呈现我用来模拟请求的装置。这是怎么做到的?我知道 cljs.testasync 块来测试异步代码,但所有示例都显示它测试实际代码块,其中只有 go,而不是在更大的上下文中。


(deftest test-async-component
  (cljs.test/async done
      [async-call (fn [path]
                    (let [mock-ch (async/chan 1)
                          fixture-data {:body {:fixture-with path :and "foobar"}})]
                      (async/put! mock-ch fixture-data)
      ; At this point we successfully mocked out our data source (the API call)
      ; the only task that remains is to render our Om component into DOM and inspect it.
      ; As this task requires utility fns I will reuse the ones in this blog post:
      ; http://lab.brightnorth.co.uk/2015/01/27/unit-and-browser-testing-om-clojurescript-applications/

      (let [c (new-container!)
            initial-data {:objects [{:initial-object 42}]}]
        ; This will mount and render your component into the DOM residing in c.
        (om/root async-component initial-data {:target c})

        (testing "fixture data gets put into the DOM"
          (is (= "foobar" (text (sel1 c :ul)))))

        ; You can add more tests in this manner, then finally call 'done'.


  1. 编写 async-call 的 mock fn,returns 通道(与原始通道相同的接口)预填充了夹具数据。
  2. mock出原来的fn(需要引用或者完全限定ns)
  3. 为单元测试目的创建一个新的虚拟 DOM。
  4. 指定不是来自 API 的模拟数据,如果有的话。
  5. 将您的组件渲染到 DOM(这将在 om/will-mount 运行时调用 async-call,将 fixture-datachan 中移除)。
  6. 观察DOM内容。