angularJS 中装饰器函数的依赖注入

dependency injection into decorator functions in angularJS

使用 angularJS 时,您可以使用 $provide.decorator('thatService',decoratorFn) 为服务注册装饰函数。

创建服务实例后,$injector 会将其(服务实例)传递给已注册的装饰函数,并将该函数的结果用作装饰服务。

现在假设 thatService 使用已注入其中的 thatOtherService

我如何获得对 thatOtherService 的引用,以便我可以在我的 decoratorFN 想要添加到 thatService.myNewMethodForThatService() 中使用它?

这取决于确切的用例 - 需要更多信息才能获得明确的答案。

1) 从 ThatService:

公开 ThatOtherService
.service('ThatService', function ThatServiceService($log, ThatOtherService) {
  this._somethingElseDoer = ThatOtherService;
  this.doSomething = function doSomething() {
    $log.log('[SERVICE-1]: Doing something first...');
.config(function configProvide($provide) {
  $provide.decorator('ThatService', function decorateThatService($delegate, $log) {
    // Let's add a new method to `ThatService`
    $delegate.doSomethingNew = function doSomethingNew() {
      $log.log('[SERVICE-1]: Let\'s try something new...');

      // We still need to do something else afterwards, so let's use
      // `ThatService`'s dependency (which is exposed as `_somethingElseDoer`)

    return $delegate;


.service('ThatService', function ThatServiceService($log, ThatOtherService) {
  this.doSomething = function doSomething() {
    $log.log('[SERVICE-1]: Doing something first...');
.config(function configProvide($provide) {
  $provide.decorator('ThatService', function decorateThatService($delegate, $log, ThatOtherService) {
    // Let's add a new method to `ThatService`
    $delegate.doSomethingNew = function doSomethingNew() {
      $log.log('[SERVICE-2]: Let\'s try something new...');

      // We still need to do something else afterwatds, so let's use
      // the injected `ThatOtherService`

    return $delegate;

您可以在此 demo 中看到这两种方法的实际应用。