
Wrong location of conditional statements. Because of loop everything is destroyed, using multi upload files

每次上传新文件时,此应用程序都会创建一个新文件夹,并将这些文件插入到创建的文件夹中。 下面的代码工作正常,但我有点困惑。由于多次上传,我无法检查是否上传了某些内容 而且我失去了对创建文件夹的控制,因为即使我不上传文件(只提交表单)也会创建它。 为什么只提交表单时会创建文件夹?因为 "UPLOAD_ERR_OK" 在文件夹创建后检查表格(首先是 "mkdir" 和 "UPLOAD_ERR_OK" 之后(但它必须是这样,因为循环 ([$i]!) )). 我想做的是把 UPLOAD_ERR_OK 放在开头,但我不能,因为它必须包含一个数组 [$i]!在单次上传中 "if ($_FILES['img']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)" 工作正常,但是 不在 multi 中,因为数组。


  1. 创建文件夹
  2. 如果文件没有错误
  3. 上传文件到文件夹


if (!file_exists($pre_path)) // if no folder
    if (mkdir($pre_path, 0777)) // create folder
        for ($i=0; $i < count($_FILES['img']['name']) $i++) //LOOP
            if ($_FILES['img']['error'][$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) //if no error
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) { }//show error
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) {} //show error
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) { } //show error
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {}  //show error
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR) { } //show error
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) { } //show error
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION) { }//show error
            else { }//show error

我希望它是这样的: 1. 如果文件没有错误(不是 "UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE") 2.创建文件夹 3.上传文件到文件夹

if ($_FILES['img']['error'][$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
if (mkdir($pre_path, 0777))
    for ($i=0; $i < count($_FILES['img']['name']) $i++)
elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) { }//show error
elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) {} //show error
elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) { } //show error
elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {}  //show error
elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR) { } //show error
elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) { } //show error
elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION) { }//show error
else { }//show error

如何把"if ($_FILES['img']['error'][$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)"放在[$i]数组的开头,勾选errros后创建文件夹?我们不能将 mkdir 放在循环中,因为循环会创建许多文件夹。我只需要1个文件夹,所以它必须在循环之前。 :/ 太疯狂了。 完整代码:

if (isset($_SESSION['admin'], $_POST['upload_images']))
    $img_tmp_name = $_FILES['img']['tmp_name'];
    $img_name = $_FILES['img']['name'];
    $img_error = $_FILES['img']['error'];
    $img_type = $_FILES['img']['type'];
    $img_size = $_FILES['img']['size'];

    $image_quantity = count($img_name);

    $error_text = array (
        1 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini',
        2 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form',
        3 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded',
        4 => 'No file was uploaded',
        6 => 'Missing a temporary folder',
        7 => 'Failed to write file to disk.',
        8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.',
        9 => 'file couldnt be moved!',
        10 => 'file isnt uploaded',
        11 => 'za duzy rozmiar pliku',
        12 => 'obrazek musi byc w formacie JPEG',
        13 => 'nie mozna stworzyc folderu',
        14 => 'Query has not started, but folder has created with number: ',
        15 => 'Unknown upload error'

    $conn = lacz_bd();

    if ($q = $conn->prepare('SELECT MAX(gallery_id) FROM galleries'))

            $improved_gallery_id = $gallery_id + 1;

        $pre_path = ('./galerie/'.$improved_gallery_id);

        //------------------------------- START UPLOAD ----------------------------------   

        if (!file_exists($pre_path))
            if (mkdir($pre_path, 0777))
                for ($i=0; $i < $image_quantity; $i++)
                    if ($img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
                        if ($img_type[$i] = 'image/jpeg') //to do: preg match instead
                            if ($img_size[$i] <= 2621440) //2,5MiB
                                if (is_uploaded_file($img_tmp_name[$i]))
                                    $path = $pre_path.'/'.basename($img_name[$i]);

                                    if (move_uploaded_file($img_tmp_name[$i], $path))
                                        if ($q = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO galleries (path, gallery_id) VALUES (?, ?)'))
                                            $q->bind_param('si', $path, $improved_gallery_id);

                                            if ($q->affected_rows > 0)
                                                image_compression($path, 800, 536);

                                                echo '<a href="ustaw_miniature.php?m='.urlencode($img_name[$i]).'&gid='.urlencode($improved_gallery_id).'">';
                                                echo '<img src="'. htmlspecialchars($path, ENT_QUOTES).'" width="80%" height="80%"></img></a><br />';                    
                                    } else { echo $error_text[9]; }
                                } else { echo $error_text[10]; }
                            } else { echo $error_text[11]; }
                        } else { echo $error_text[12]; }
                    elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) { echo $error_text[1]; }
                    elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) { echo $error_text[2]; }
                    elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) { echo $error_text[3]; }
                    elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { echo $error_text[4]; }
                    elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR) { echo $error_text[6]; }
                    elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) { echo $error_text[7]; }
                    elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION) { echo $error_text[8]; }
                    else { echo $error_text[15]; }
                } // END FOR

        } else { echo $error_text[14].' '.htmlspecialchars($improved_gallery_id, ENT_QUOTES);}



您可以使用函数重新排列代码。你的代码真的很难理解。 首先你可以上传文件到临时文件夹,然后调用函数检查它,如果一切正常,你可以调用一个函数来准备文件夹(如果不存在则创建)然后将文件从临时文件夹复制到新文件夹。

您可以重新组织条件,使其仅在第一个循环 $i == 0 上检查和创建文件夹。您将需要检查并可能更改以下示例中的错误消息 $error_text[14] 一种更改条件的方法。

if (isset($_SESSION['admin'], $_POST['upload_images']))
    $img_tmp_name = $_FILES['img']['tmp_name'];
    $img_name = $_FILES['img']['name'];
    $img_error = $_FILES['img']['error'];
    $img_type = $_FILES['img']['type'];
    $img_size = $_FILES['img']['size'];

    $image_quantity = count($img_name);

    $error_text = array (
        1 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini',
        2 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form',
        3 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded',
        4 => 'No file was uploaded',
        6 => 'Missing a temporary folder',
        7 => 'Failed to write file to disk.',
        8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.',
        9 => 'file couldnt be moved!',
        10 => 'file isnt uploaded',
        11 => 'za duzy rozmiar pliku',
        12 => 'obrazek musi byc w formacie JPEG',
        13 => 'nie mozna stworzyc folderu',
        14 => 'Query has not started, but folder has created with number: ',
        15 => 'Unknown upload error'

    $conn = lacz_bd();

    if ($q = $conn->prepare('SELECT MAX(gallery_id) FROM galleries'))

            $improved_gallery_id = $gallery_id + 1;

        $pre_path = ('./galerie/'.$improved_gallery_id);

        //------------------------------- START UPLOAD ----------------------------------   

        for ($i=0; $i < $image_quantity; $i++)
            if ($img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
                if ($img_type[$i] = 'image/jpeg') //to do: preg match instead
                    if ($img_size[$i] <= 2621440) //2,5MiB
                        if (is_uploaded_file($img_tmp_name[$i]))
                            if ($i == 0) // only the first loop create directory
                                if (!file_exists($pre_path) && !is_dir($pre_path))
                                    if (mkdir($pre_path, 0777))
                                        // todo: handle the error
                            if (is_dir($pre_path))
                                $path = $pre_path.'/'.basename($img_name[$i]);

                                if (move_uploaded_file($img_tmp_name[$i], $path))
                                    if ($q = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO galleries (path, gallery_id) VALUES (?, ?)'))
                                        $q->bind_param('si', $path, $improved_gallery_id);

                                        if ($q->affected_rows > 0)
                                            image_compression($path, 800, 536);

                                            echo '<a href="ustaw_miniature.php?m='.urlencode($img_name[$i]).'&gid='.urlencode($improved_gallery_id).'">';
                                            echo '<img src="'. htmlspecialchars($path, ENT_QUOTES).'" width="80%" height="80%"></img></a><br />';                    
                                        } // end affected_rows
                                    } // end prepare
                                } // end move_uploaded_file
                                else { echo $error_text[9]; }
                            } // end is_dir
                            else { echo $error_text[14].' '.htmlspecialchars($improved_gallery_id, ENT_QUOTES);}
                        } // end is_uploaded_file
                        else { echo $error_text[10]; }
                    } // end image size
                    else { echo $error_text[11]; }
                } // end image type
                else { echo $error_text[12]; }
            } // end error check
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) { echo $error_text[1]; }
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) { echo $error_text[2]; }
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) { echo $error_text[3]; }
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { echo $error_text[4]; }
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR) { echo $error_text[6]; }
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) { echo $error_text[7]; }
            elseif ( $img_error[$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION) { echo $error_text[8]; }
            else { echo $error_text[15]; }
        } // end for loop

    } // end prepare
} // end isset