LXC 和 libcontainer 的区别

Difference between LXC and libcontainer

在浏览 docker 文档时,我发现 docker 现在正在使用 libcontainer 而不是 LXC。有没有人知道 libcontainer 如何比 LXC 更好(如果是这样..)?

这意味着 Docker 从其原始实现中抽象出来,允许其他供应商(如 CoreOS)实现他们自己的容器版本

注:从那时起(What’s the difference between runc, containerd, docker?)显示:

In 2016 the container space was booming and docker decided to split the monolith into separate parts, some of which other projects can even build on — that’s how containerd happened. That was Docker 1.11 (so pretty much ancient history).
Containerd is a daemon that acts as API facade for various container runtimes and OS. When using containerd, you no longer work with syscalls, instead you work with higher-level entities like snapshot and container — the rest is abstracted away.
If you want to understand containerd even more in depth, there’s a design documentation in their GitHub repo.
Under the hood, containerd uses runc to do all the linux work.


我宁愿建议您完成此 link 以完全理解 Docker 启动 libcontainer



据我所知.. LXC 是 docker 引擎执行其 container/namespace 和其他引擎的默认执行驱动程序。 Docker 开发了 'libcontainer' 并添加到他们的 docker 引擎中。如果我错了,请纠正我。