运行 Gitlab CI 自定义认证背后?

Running Gitlab CI behind custom authentication?

我刚刚尝试使用 Gitlab 的 APT 存储库在我的 Debian 主机上安装 gitlab-ce。我拉 this example 并将其推送到配置了运行程序的主机,但出现以下错误:

gitlab-ci-multi-runner 0.7.2 (998cf5d)
Using Docker executor with image php:5.6 ...
Pulling docker image mysql:latest ...
Starting service mysql:latest ...
Waiting for services to be up and running...
Pulling docker image gitlab/gitlab-runner:service ...
Pulling docker image gitlab/gitlab-runner:cache ...
Pulling docker image gitlab/gitlab-runner:build ...
Pulling docker image php:5.6 ...

Running on runner-4d0395b6-project-2-concurrent-0 via gitlab...
Cloning repository...
Cloning into '/builds/d33tah/gitlab-ci-test'...
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://gitlab-ci-token:xxxxxx@gitlab.somedomain.com/d33tah/gitlab-ci-test.git/'

ERROR: Build failed with: exit code 1

将跑步者指向 http://localhost/ci 也无济于事。我是否必须删除我的 HTTPS 身份验证才能使用该工具?

我最终通过 SSL 托管网站并确保 gitlab.somedomain.com 指向本地主机,以便 https://gitlab.somedomain.com 不需要本地身份验证。因为我也想要一个 Docker 跑步者,所以我必须设置一个本地 DNS 服务器并让 Docker 使用它。