使用 Office 365 找不到 HttpHandler 类型的构造函数 API

Constructor of type HttpHandler not found using the Office 365 API

我最近开始使用 Office 365 API,现在可以 authenticate and get a token. Now I want to query the user's Exchange for meetings. To do this I run the example query from here:

    var client = new OutlookServicesClient(new Uri("https://outlook.office.com/api/2.0"), async () =>
      // Since we have it locally from the Session, just return it here.
      return token;

    var eventResults = await client.Me.Events.OrderByDescending(e => e.Start).Take(10).Select(e => new DisplayEvent(e.Subject, e.Start.ToString(), e.End.ToString())).ExecuteAsync();
    // query: https://outlook.office.com/api/2.0/Me/Events?$orderby=Start%%20desc&$top=10&$select=Subject,Start,End  

不幸的是,这 returns 出现以下错误 (500):Server Error in '/API' Application. Constructor on type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Web.HttpHandler' not found.

谷歌搜索,我发现了一些类似的错误 (here and here)。当时好像是服务器出了问题。但是,由于 API 非常成熟,我认为我做错了什么,而不是服务器错误。

编辑:在 https://oauthplay.azurewebsites.net/ 上测试查询也会导致相同的错误,而示例查询有效。


事实证明,.NET getting started 日历代码中存在拼写错误,该代码对 OutlookServicesClient 对象的构造函数使用了错误的 URI。该行应为:

OutlookServicesClient client = new OutlookServicesClient(
  new Uri("https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0"),

示例在 URI 中缺少 v,这是导致错误的原因。