Service Fabric Reliable Collections:序列化问题

Service Fabric Reliable Collections: serialization issue


我已将其标记为 [DataContract],其成员标记为 [DataMember],并在其顶部添加了 [KnownType(typeof(SomeUnit))] 属性。

看起来现在 SomeUnit 序列化了,但是反序列化异常被抛出:

Element 'urn:ServiceFabric.Communication:item' contains data from a type that maps to the name ''. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name. Consider using a DataContractResolver if you are using DataContractSerializer or add the type corresponding to 'SomeUnit' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to the serializer.



如果您使用具有通用项类型的可靠队列,例如 SomeUnit 的基 class。

// Using reliable collection with a base item type
IReliableQueue<BaseClass> myQueue = ...;

// Store derived item in the queue
SomeUnit myData = ...; // SomeUnit inherit from BaseClass
await myQueue.EnqueueAsync(txn, myData); // OK to store but won't deserialize!

该队列的反序列化器知道如何解析 BaseClass 但它不会隐含地知道您的派生 class SomeUnit.

您可以通过在基础 class 上应用 KnownTypeAttribute 来解决这个问题,从而显式声明反序列化器应注意的派生 classes。

public class BaseClass

public class SomeUnit : BaseClass

无法在接口类型上应用 [KnownType]。但是,有一些选项可以支持这一点:



public class Wrapper
    public IUnit Value { get; set; }

public class SomeUnit : IUnit


将已知类型指定给 DataContractSerializer constructor

但是,这需要您 tell service fabric to use your custom serializer

选项 #3

在配置文件 (app.config) 中将已知类型指定为 described here

我知道这是一个有点老的话题但是在遇到这个问题并且不想使用 KnownType 方法(因为如果你有很多派生类型它会变得有点混乱)我能够成功使用以下反射序列化我的消息:

public abstract class Event
    public DateTime AtTime { get; private set; }

    public Event()
        AtTime = DateTime.Now;

    private static Type[] GetKnownTypes()
        return typeof(Event).Assembly.GetTypes()
            .Where(x => x.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Event)))