有人可以解释 R 中 pvclust 函数的输出吗?

Can someone explain the output from the pvclust function in R?


boston.pp <- pvpick(boston.pv)

这应该打印出具有高 p 值的集群。这个函数的输出是:

[1] "rm"   "medv"

[1] "zn"  "dis"

[1] "crim"    "indus"   "nox"     "age"     "rad"     "tax"     "ptratio" "lstat"  

[1] 3 5 9


https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/pvclust/pvclust.pdf 描述 pvclust:

For data expressed as (n x p) matrix or data frame, we assume that the data is n observations of p objects, which are to be clustered. The i’th row vector corresponds to the i’th observation of these objects and the j’th column vector corresponds to a sample of j’th object with size n

pvpick 的输出:

cluster - a list of character string vectors. Each vector corresponds to the names of objects in each cluster.

你绘制了 pvclust 输出的树状图吗? pvpick clusters 输出仅列出某些簇中的内部点(pvclust 将波士顿数据集中的每个 视为一个点),如果绘制它,您将在树状图中看到。