用于文件信息的 AIX 脚本

AIX script for file information

我在 AIX 服务器中有一个文件,其中包含以下格式的多个记录条目

 Name(ABC XYZ)                              Gender(Male)
 AGE(26)                    BDay(1990-12-09)


 ABC XYZ  1990-12-09



awk -F"[()]" '/Name/ && /Gender/{name=} /BDay/{print name,}' file.txt

也就是说... "treat opening and closing parentheses as field separators. If you see a line go by that contains Name and Gender, save the second field in the variable name. If you see a line go by that contains the word Bday, print out the last name you saw and also the fourth field on the current line."