如何通过交互调用 artisan 控制台命令

How to call an artisan console command with an interaction

我目前正在 Laravel 5.1 项目中创建 php artisan 控制台命令,并且想从我的控制台命令调用另一个控制台命令。我要调用的这个第三方命令不接受任何选项或参数,而是通过交互式问题接收其输入。


$this->call('command:name', ['argument' => 'foo', '--option' => 'bar']);


php artisan command:name --no-interaction



$this->call('command:name', [
    'argument' => 'foo', 
    '--option' => 'bar'
], function($console) {
    $console->writeln('Yes'); //answer an interactive question 
    $console-writeln('No'); //answer an interactive question 
    $console->writeln(''); //skip answering an interactive question 
} );

当然上面不行,因为$this->call($command, $arguments)不接受第三个回调参数。



注意:这会修补核心 Symfony class QuestionHelper@doAsk,尽管这段代码 运行 对我来说很好(我目前只是在做概念验证),这段代码在任何生产环境中都不应该 运行。 我还没有接受我自己的答案,想知道是否有更好的方法来做到这一点。

以下假定安装 Laravel 5.1。

  • 首先 composer-require Patchwork 包。 我用它来增强 Symfony class 方法的功能.

    composer require antecedent/patchwork

  • 编辑 bootstrap/app.php 并在创建应用程序后立即添加以下内容。(不会自动加载 Patchwork)

    if($app->runningInConsole()) {
        require_once(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/antecedent/patchwork/Patchwork.php');
  • 将以下两个 use 语句添加到控制台命令的顶部 class

    use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

    use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;

  • augment/patch QuestionHelper@doAsk 通过在控制台命令中使用这些辅助方法 class

    public function __construct() {
     * Patch QuestionHelper@doAsk
     * When a key 'qh-patch-answers' is found in the $_REQUEST superglobal,
     * We assume this is an array which holds the answers for our interactive questions.
     * shift each answer off the array, before answering the corresponding question.
     * When an answer has a NULL value, we will just provide the default answer (= skip question)
    private function patchAskingQuestion() {
        \Patchwork\replace('Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper::doAsk', function(OutputInterface $output, Question $question) {
            $answers = &$_REQUEST['qh-patch-answers'];
            //No predefined answer found? Just call the original method
            if(empty($answers)) {
                return \Patchwork\callOriginal([$output, $question]);
            //using the next predefined answer, or the default if the predefined answer was NULL
            $answer = array_shift($answers);
            return ($answer === null) ? $question->getDefault() : $answer;
    private function setPredefinedAnswers($answers) {
        $_REQUEST['qh-patch-answers'] = $answers;
    private function clearPredefinedAnswers() {
  • 您现在可以像这样回答互动问题

    public function fire() {
        //predefine the answers to the interactive questions
            'Yes', //first question will be answered with 'Yes'
            'No', //second question will be answered with 'No'
            null, //third question will be skipped (using the default answer)
            null, //fourth question will be skipped (using the default answer)
        //call the interactive command
        //clean up, so future calls to QuestionHelper@doAsk will definitely call the original method

我有另一个解决方案,它是调用 symfony 命令执行 'php artisan' 而不是使用 artisan 子命令。我认为这比修补第 3 方代码更好。


use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException;
trait ArtisanCommandTrait{
    public function executeArtisanCommand($command, $options){
        $stmt = 'php artisan '. $command . ' ' . $this->prepareOptions($options);

        $process = new Process($stmt);
        // executes after the command finishes
        if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
            throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
        return $process->getOutput();
    public function prepareOptions($options){
            $args = [];
            $opts = [];
            $flags = [];
            foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
                if(ctype_alpha(substr($key, 0, 1)))
                    $args[] = $value;
                else if(starts_with($key, '--')){
                    $opts[] = $key. (is_null($value) ? '' : '=' . $value) ;
                else if(starts_with($key, '-')){
                    $flags[] = $key;
            return   implode(' ', $args) . ' '
                    .implode(' ', $opts). ' '
                    .implode(' ', $flags);

现在,您应该可以传递任何 artisan 特殊选项,例如无交互。

public function handle(){
    $options = [
            'argument' => $argument,
            '--option' => $options,         // options should be preceded by --
            '-n' => null                    // no-interaction option
    $command = 'your:command';
    $output = $this->executeArtisanCommand($command, $options);        
    echo $output;


mpyw/streamable-console: Call interactive artisan command using arbitrary stream:
