从 Dynamic CRM Online 插件重命名 SharePoint Online 中的文件夹
Rename folder in SharePoint Online from Dynamic CRM Online Plugin
我在 Dynamics CRM Online 2015 中创建了一个插件,用于在 SharePoint Online 文档库中创建文件夹。该插件工作正常。但是,我想在 CRM 中的帐户名称更改时重命名文档库中的文件夹。
使用了SPOAuthUtility Class
创建文件夹的代码工作正常,我使用以下代码在 CRM 中更改帐户名称时重命名文件夹:
string restFolderQuery = "_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('" +
rootFolderName + "/" + oldName + "')/ListItemAllFields";
Uri url = new Uri(String.Format("{0}/{1}", webSiteUrl, restFolderQuery));
byte[] result = HTTPHelper.SendODataJsonRequest(
"POST", // setting data to SP through the rest api usually uses the POST verb
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{ '__metadata':{ 'type': 'SP.Data.AccountItem' },
'FileLeafRef': '" + newName + "' ,'Title:': '" + newName + "' }"),
SpoAuthUtility.Current, // pass in the helper object that allows us to make authenticated calls to SPO rest services
new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{"IF-MATCH", "*"}, {"X-HTTP-Method", "MERGE" }
这将调用 HTTPHelper 中的 SendODataJsonRequest 函数 class:
public static byte[] SendODataJsonRequest(Uri uri, String method, byte[] requestContent, HttpWebRequest clientHandler, SpoAuthUtility authUtility, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null)
if (clientHandler.CookieContainer == null)
clientHandler.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
CookieContainer cookieContainer = authUtility.GetCookieContainer(); // get the auth cookies from SPO after authenticating with Microsoft Online Services STS
foreach (Cookie c in cookieContainer.GetCookies(uri))
clientHandler.CookieContainer.Add(uri, c); // apppend SPO auth cookies to the request
// string digest = SpoAuthUtility.GetRequestDigest();
Dictionary<string, string> _dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
_dic.Add("Authorization", "Bearer" + cookieContainer.GetCookieHeader(uri));
return SendHttpRequest(
"application/json;odata=verbose;charset=utf-8", // the http content type for the JSON flavor of SP REST services
public static byte[] SendHttpRequest(Uri uri, String method, byte[] requestContent = null, string contentType = null, HttpWebRequest clientHandler = null, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null)
HttpWebRequest request = clientHandler == null ? (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri) : clientHandler;
byte[] responseStream;
request.Method = method;
request.Accept = contentType;
request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"; // This must be here as you will receive 403 otherwise
request.AllowAutoRedirect = false; // This is key, otherwise it will redirect to failed login SP page
// append additional headers to the request
if (headers != null)
foreach (var header in headers)
if (request.Headers.AllKeys.Contains(header.Key))
request.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);
if (requestContent != null && (method == "POST" || method == "PUT" || method == "DELETE"))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
request.ContentType = contentType; // if the request has a body set the MIME type
request.ContentLength = requestContent.Length;
using (Stream s = request.GetRequestStream())
s.Write(requestContent, 0, requestContent.Length);
// Not using Using here as you may still like to access the reponse outside of this method
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));
responseStream = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sr.ReadToEnd());
return responseStream;
catch (Exception ex)
相同的代码在控制台应用程序中使用提供的凭据工作正常,它确实重命名了指定的文件夹,但它在 CRM 插件中不起作用
这段代码创建的 HTTPRequest 似乎有问题,因为我从服务器收到错误响应:
远程服务器返回错误 (400) 错误请求
任何人都可以帮助我从动态 CRM 插件重命名 SharePoint 文件夹的代码
原来HTTP请求中SPOAuthUtility Class and HTTPHelper class that I had been using had been slightly modified to not include the Request Digest Header。没有请求摘要 Header,我仍然能够执行 GET 请求,但不能执行来自 Web 应用程序的 POST 请求。
这就是为什么代码在控制台应用程序中有效但在 CRM 插件(网络应用程序)中无效的原因,因为如 MSDN:
For reasons of security, by default, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation does not allow you to make posts from a Web application to modify the contents of the database unless you include security validation on the page making the request.
spSite = new Uri(rootFolderForSharepoint);
_spo = SpoAuthUtility.Create(spSite, sharepointUsername, WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sharepointPassword), false);
string odataQuery = "_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('" + DocumentLibraryName + "/" + oldFolderUrl + "')/ListItemAllFields";
byte[] content = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(@"{ '__metadata':{ 'type': 'SP.Data.AccountItem' }, 'FileLeafRef': '" + newName + "' ,'Title:': '" + newName + "' }");
string digest = _spo.GetRequestDigest();
Uri url = new Uri(String.Format("{0}{1}", _spo.SiteUrl, odataQuery));
// Set X-RequestDigest
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
webRequest.Headers.Add("X-RequestDigest", digest);
//Set additional Headers
webRequest.Headers.Add("IF-MATCH", "*");
webRequest.Headers.Add("X-HTTP-Method", "PATCH");
// Send a json odata request to SPO rest services to fetch all list items for the list.
byte[] result = HttpHelper.SendODataJsonRequest(
"POST", // sending data to SP through the rest api usually uses the POST verb
_spo // pass in the helper object that allows us to make authenticated calls to SPO rest services
string response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result, 0, result.Length);
tracingservice.Trace("HTTP Response: {0}", response);
这将调用 HTTPHelper class
中的 SendODataJsonRequest 函数
我在 Dynamics CRM Online 2015 中创建了一个插件,用于在 SharePoint Online 文档库中创建文件夹。该插件工作正常。但是,我想在 CRM 中的帐户名称更改时重命名文档库中的文件夹。
使用了SPOAuthUtility Classhttps://www.develop1.net/public/post/SharePoint-Integration-Reloaded-e28093-Part-3.aspx
创建文件夹的代码工作正常,我使用以下代码在 CRM 中更改帐户名称时重命名文件夹:
string restFolderQuery = "_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('" +
rootFolderName + "/" + oldName + "')/ListItemAllFields";
Uri url = new Uri(String.Format("{0}/{1}", webSiteUrl, restFolderQuery));
byte[] result = HTTPHelper.SendODataJsonRequest(
"POST", // setting data to SP through the rest api usually uses the POST verb
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{ '__metadata':{ 'type': 'SP.Data.AccountItem' },
'FileLeafRef': '" + newName + "' ,'Title:': '" + newName + "' }"),
SpoAuthUtility.Current, // pass in the helper object that allows us to make authenticated calls to SPO rest services
new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{"IF-MATCH", "*"}, {"X-HTTP-Method", "MERGE" }
这将调用 HTTPHelper 中的 SendODataJsonRequest 函数 class:
public static byte[] SendODataJsonRequest(Uri uri, String method, byte[] requestContent, HttpWebRequest clientHandler, SpoAuthUtility authUtility, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null)
if (clientHandler.CookieContainer == null)
clientHandler.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
CookieContainer cookieContainer = authUtility.GetCookieContainer(); // get the auth cookies from SPO after authenticating with Microsoft Online Services STS
foreach (Cookie c in cookieContainer.GetCookies(uri))
clientHandler.CookieContainer.Add(uri, c); // apppend SPO auth cookies to the request
// string digest = SpoAuthUtility.GetRequestDigest();
Dictionary<string, string> _dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
_dic.Add("Authorization", "Bearer" + cookieContainer.GetCookieHeader(uri));
return SendHttpRequest(
"application/json;odata=verbose;charset=utf-8", // the http content type for the JSON flavor of SP REST services
public static byte[] SendHttpRequest(Uri uri, String method, byte[] requestContent = null, string contentType = null, HttpWebRequest clientHandler = null, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null)
HttpWebRequest request = clientHandler == null ? (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri) : clientHandler;
byte[] responseStream;
request.Method = method;
request.Accept = contentType;
request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"; // This must be here as you will receive 403 otherwise
request.AllowAutoRedirect = false; // This is key, otherwise it will redirect to failed login SP page
// append additional headers to the request
if (headers != null)
foreach (var header in headers)
if (request.Headers.AllKeys.Contains(header.Key))
request.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);
if (requestContent != null && (method == "POST" || method == "PUT" || method == "DELETE"))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
request.ContentType = contentType; // if the request has a body set the MIME type
request.ContentLength = requestContent.Length;
using (Stream s = request.GetRequestStream())
s.Write(requestContent, 0, requestContent.Length);
// Not using Using here as you may still like to access the reponse outside of this method
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));
responseStream = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sr.ReadToEnd());
return responseStream;
catch (Exception ex)
相同的代码在控制台应用程序中使用提供的凭据工作正常,它确实重命名了指定的文件夹,但它在 CRM 插件中不起作用
这段代码创建的 HTTPRequest 似乎有问题,因为我从服务器收到错误响应: 远程服务器返回错误 (400) 错误请求
任何人都可以帮助我从动态 CRM 插件重命名 SharePoint 文件夹的代码
原来HTTP请求中SPOAuthUtility Class and HTTPHelper class that I had been using had been slightly modified to not include the Request Digest Header。没有请求摘要 Header,我仍然能够执行 GET 请求,但不能执行来自 Web 应用程序的 POST 请求。
这就是为什么代码在控制台应用程序中有效但在 CRM 插件(网络应用程序)中无效的原因,因为如 MSDN:
中所述For reasons of security, by default, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation does not allow you to make posts from a Web application to modify the contents of the database unless you include security validation on the page making the request.
spSite = new Uri(rootFolderForSharepoint);
_spo = SpoAuthUtility.Create(spSite, sharepointUsername, WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sharepointPassword), false);
string odataQuery = "_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('" + DocumentLibraryName + "/" + oldFolderUrl + "')/ListItemAllFields";
byte[] content = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(@"{ '__metadata':{ 'type': 'SP.Data.AccountItem' }, 'FileLeafRef': '" + newName + "' ,'Title:': '" + newName + "' }");
string digest = _spo.GetRequestDigest();
Uri url = new Uri(String.Format("{0}{1}", _spo.SiteUrl, odataQuery));
// Set X-RequestDigest
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
webRequest.Headers.Add("X-RequestDigest", digest);
//Set additional Headers
webRequest.Headers.Add("IF-MATCH", "*");
webRequest.Headers.Add("X-HTTP-Method", "PATCH");
// Send a json odata request to SPO rest services to fetch all list items for the list.
byte[] result = HttpHelper.SendODataJsonRequest(
"POST", // sending data to SP through the rest api usually uses the POST verb
_spo // pass in the helper object that allows us to make authenticated calls to SPO rest services
string response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result, 0, result.Length);
tracingservice.Trace("HTTP Response: {0}", response);
这将调用 HTTPHelper class
中的 SendODataJsonRequest 函数