在 Scala 类型中编码复杂的层次结构规则

Encoding complex hierarchy rules in Scala types



一种方法是定义我们的 Employee 类型,PresidentCTOManager,以及它们对应的 "Subordinate" 类型,PresidentSubordinate, CTOSubordinate, ManagerSubordinate。然后你可以在他们可以成为老板的任何 Employee 上扩展 *Subordinate。然后你可以这样做:

sealed trait Employee

sealed trait PresidentSubordinate extends Employee
sealed trait VicePresidentSubordinate extends Employee
sealed trait CTOSubordinate extends Employee
sealed trait ManagerSubordinate extends Employee
sealed trait DeveloperSubordinate extends Employee

case class President(subordinates: Seq[PresidentSubordinate])

case class VicePresident(subordinates: Seq[VicePresidentSubordinates])
extends PresidentSubordinate

case class CTO(subordinates: Seq[CTOSubordinate]) 
extends PresidentSubordinate 
with VicePresidentSubordinate

case class Manager(subordinates: Seq[ManagerSubordinate]) 
extends VicePresidentSubordinate

case class Developer(subordinates: Seq[DeveloperSubordinate]) 
extends CTOSubordinate 
with ManagerSubordinate 
with VicePresidentSubordinate
with DeveloperSubordinate // Devs can be bosses of other devs

// Note, not all employees have subordinates, no need for corresponding type
case class DeveloperIntern() 
extends ManagerSubordinate 
with DeveloperSubordinate 

这种方法对我的六个左右的树节点类型很有效,但我不知道这是否是最好的方法,因为类型的数量增加到 10 种或 50 种。也许有一个更简单的解决方案,可能使用显示的模式 here 是合适的。像

class VicePresidentSubordinate[T <: Employee]
object VicePresidentSubordinate {
  implicit object CTOWitness extends VicePresidentSubordinate[CTO]
  implicit object ManagerWitness extends VicePresidentSubordinate[Manager]
  implicit object DeveloperWitness extends VicePresidentSubordinate[Developer]

但是我不确定结果 类 会是什么样子,因为这显然无法编译:

case class VicePresident(subordinates: Seq[VicePresidentSubordinate]) extends Employee


当您说 "it works, but can I do something else?" 时,我不完全确定您要查找的属性。

过去我做过这样的事情,不在类型系统中做所有事情可能会变得有用。例如,如果您的角色动态变化,您可能希望拥有单个 Employee class(具有 "title" 属性和 "subordinates")属性并在运行时验证标题和依赖项,例如,基于在配置文件上。


  // An employee has a name
  trait Employee {
    val name: String

  // A subordinate has a manager
  trait Subordinate[M <: Manager[M]] {
    val manager: M
    manager.subordinates += this

  // A manager has subordinates
  trait Manager[M <: Manager[M]] {
    val subordinates = mutable.Set[Subordinate[M]]()

  // A middle level can both have a manager and manage others.
  trait Middle[M <: Manager[M], S <: Manager[S]] extends Manager[M] with Subordinate[S]

  // President does not have a manager, it manages only.
  case class President(name: String) extends Manager[President]

  // Some traits that report to the president.
  case class VicePresident(name: String, manager: President) extends Middle[VicePresident, President]
  case class CTO(name: String, manager: President) extends Middle[CTO, President]

  // An intern can't manage
  case class Intern(name: String, manager: CTO) extends Subordinate[CTO]

  // A simple test
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val bob = President("Bob")
    val alice = VicePresident("Alice", bob)
    val lucas = CTO("Lucas", bob)
    val sam = Intern("Sam", lucas)

    println(alice.manager)        // President(Bob)
    println(bob.subordinates)     // Set(CTO(Lucas,President(Bob)), VicePresident(Alice,President(Bob)))
    sam.subordinates              // Compiler error

注意保持下属和经理的指针是如何完全由基本特征完成的。 Objects 立即为您添加的任何新 class 链接!