
Replace a word by a word in a string


word_dict = {'a': 'a1', 'winter': 'cold', 'summer': 'hot'}


data = "It's winter not summer. Have a nice day"

我想做的是替换a by a1winter by cold等字样在data中。我确实尝试使用以下代码:

for word in word_dict:
    data = data.replace(word, word_dict[word])

但它失败了,因为它替换了子字符串(data 的子字符串,而不是单词)。事实上,单词 Have 被替换为 Ha1ve


data = "It's cold not hot. Have a1 nice day"

您可以使用 re.sub\b 匹配单词字符和非单词字符的单词边界。我们需要使用单词边界来匹配一个精确的单词字符串,否则它也会匹配 day

中的 a
>>> word_dict = {'a': 'a1', 'winter': 'cold', 'summer': 'hot'}
>>> data = "It's winter not summer. Have a nice day"
>>> for word in word_dict:
        data = re.sub(r'\b'+word+r'\b', word_dict[word], data)

>>> data
"It's cold not hot. Have a1 nice day"


ldata = data.split(' ') #splits by whitespace characters
res = []
for i in ldata:
    if i in word_dict:
final = ' '.join(res)

正则表达式解决方案更实用,适合您想要的,但 list.split() 和 string.join() 方法有时会派上用场。 :)

您可以在 join() 函数中使用生成器:

>>> word_dict = {'a': 'a1', 'winter': 'cold', 'summer': 'hot'}
>>> data = "It's winter not summer. Have a nice day"
>>> ' '.join(word_dict[j] if j in word_dict else j for j in data.split())
"It's cold not summer. Have a1 nice day"


使用 dict.get 拆分和 " " 拆分以保持正确的间距:

from string import punctuation

print(" ".join([word_dict.get(x.rstrip(punctuation), x) for x in data.split(" ")]))
It's cold not hot. Have a1 nice day

我们还需要去除标点符号,以便 summer. 匹配 summer 等...


In [18]: %%timeit                                                              data = "It's winter not summer. Have a nice day"
for word in word_dict:
        data = re.sub(r'\b'+word+r'\b', word_dict[word], data)
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.2 µs per loop

In [19]: timeit " ".join([word_dict.get(x.rstrip(punctuation), x) for x in data.split(" ")])
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.52 µs per loop