如何在 Swift 中获取 C 指针的原始值?

How to Get a C Pointer's rawvalue in Swift?

我正在做一个使用 CoreText 的项目;我需要初始化一个 CTRunDelegateCallbacks:

var  imageCallback =  CTRunDelegateCallbacks(version: kCTRunDelegateCurrentVersion, dealloc: { (refCon) -> Void in
    print("RunDelegate dealloc")
    }, getAscent: { ( refCon) -> CGFloat in
        return 0
    }, getDescent: { (refCon) -> CGFloat in
        return 0
    }) { (refCon) -> CGFloat in
        return 0

参数refConUnsafeMutablePointer<Void>类型,在C中也叫void *类型,我想得到指针的原始值。怎么做?

我不建议将指针转换为非指针类型。我会在这个答案的最后告诉你如何去做,但首先我会告诉你你应该如何真正处理 refCon.


struct MyRunExtent {
    let ascent: CGFloat
    let descent: CGFloat
    let width: CGFloat

然后使用其 alloc class 方法创建一个 UnsafeMutablePointer,并初始化分配的存储空间:

let extentBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<MyRunExtent>.alloc(1)
extentBuffer.initialize(MyRunExtent(ascent: 12, descent: 4, width: 10))

在您的回调中,将指针参数转换为 UnsafePointer<MyRunExtent> 并从其 memory 中提取您需要的内容:

var callbacks = CTRunDelegateCallbacks(version: kCTRunDelegateVersion1, dealloc: { pointer in
    }, getAscent: { pointer in
        return UnsafePointer<MyRunExtent>(pointer).memory.ascent
    }, getDescent: { pointer in
        return UnsafePointer<MyRunExtent>(pointer).memory.descent
    }, getWidth: { pointer in
        return UnsafePointer<MyRunExtent>(pointer).memory.width

现在您可以使用 callbacksextentBuffer 创建委托:

let delegate = CTRunDelegateCreate(&callbacks, extentBuffer)!


let richText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "hello \u{FFFC} world")
richText.addAttribute(kCTRunDelegateAttributeName as String, value: delegate, range: NSMakeRange(6, 1))
let line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(richText)
let runs = (CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line) as [AnyObject]).map { [=14=] as! CTRun }
runs.forEach {
    var ascent = CGFloat(0), descent = CGFloat(0), leading = CGFloat(0)
    let width = CTRunGetTypographicBounds([=14=], CFRangeMake(0, 0), &ascent, &descent, &leading)
    print("width:\(width) ascent:\(ascent) descent:\(descent) leading:\(leading)")


2015-12-21 12:26:00.505 iOS Playground[17525:8055669] -[__NSCFType encodeWithCoder:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f94bcb01dc0
width:28.6875 ascent:9.240234375 descent:2.759765625 leading:0.0
width:10.0 ascent:12.0 descent:4.0 leading:0.0
width:32.009765625 ascent:9.240234375 descent:2.759765625 leading:0.0

第一行输出是因为 playground 执行过程无法对委托进行编码以发送回 Xcode 进行显示,结果证明是无害的。无论如何,您可以看到中间 运行 的边界是使用我的回调和 extentBuffer.




let rawValue = unsafeBitCast(refCon, Int.self)

如果它们的大小不同,您将在 运行 时收到致命错误。

你可以用这种方式将它转换为 CGFloat如果 指针和 CGFloat 的大小相同:

let float = unsafeBitCast(refCon, CGFloat.self)