动画 GIF 帧速率似乎低于预期

Animated GIF's framerate seems lower than expected

我有一个 winforms 应用程序,上面有一个 gif,让用户了解进程停滞。

问题是它的播放速度比在其他应用程序(chrome、Internet Explorer)上看起来慢得多。

我已经在 PictureBoxLabel 上尝试了 gif,但结果速度是一样的。然后经过一些研究,我遇到了 this 传奇人物@Hans Passant 的问题和答案,但不幸的是,应用他建议的样板代码没有任何区别。


public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1 ()

    protected override void OnFormClosed ( FormClosedEventArgs e )

    // Pinvoke:
    private const int timerAccuracy = 10;
    private static extern int timeBeginPeriod ( int msec );
    public static extern int timeEndPeriod ( int msec );


partial class Form1
    private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

    protected override void Dispose ( bool disposing )
        if (disposing && (components != null))

    #region Windows Form Designer generated code

    private void InitializeComponent ()
        System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(Form1));
        this.pictureBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
        this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
        // pictureBox1
        this.pictureBox1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        this.pictureBox1.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("pictureBox1.Image")));
        this.pictureBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 9);
        this.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1";
        this.pictureBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(166, 119);
        this.pictureBox1.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
        this.pictureBox1.TabIndex = 0;
        this.pictureBox1.TabStop = false;
        // label1
        this.label1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        this.label1.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat;
        this.label1.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("label1.Image")));
        this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(180, 9);
        this.label1.Name = "label1";
        this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(158, 119);
        this.label1.TabIndex = 1;
        // Form1
        this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
        this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
        this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(346, 134);
        this.Name = "Form1";
        this.Text = "Form1";



    private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;

两个 gif 的播放速度相同,但低于实际 gif。应用此代码时还有其他需要注意的地方吗?


  • timeBeginPeriod() 在技术上可能会失败,尽管当您要求 10 毫秒时这是非常不寻常的,请验证它 returns 0。
  • 如果图片很大,那么更新速度可能不够快。或者您的 UI 线程被其他任务占用了太多。 gif 的像素格式与现代机器上视频适配器的像素格式不匹配。每次更新帧时都会进行转换。这是相当昂贵的,尤其是如果您还强制重新缩放图像(即 PictureBox.SizeMode != Normal)。使用任务管理器验证您的 UI 线程未消耗 100% 核心。
  • 您可以通过提升的命令提示符 运行 powercfg /energy 获得关于有效计时器周期的第二个意见。在您的应用 运行 时执行此操作。它会滚动一分钟,然后生成一个 HTML 文件,您可以使用浏览器查看该文件。在 "Platform Timer Resolution:Timer Request Stack" 标题下报告,Requested Period 值应为 10000。请注意其他进程或驱动程序也可能发出请求。


PictureBox 以低帧率设置动画背后的根本原因是因为它在幕后使用了 ImageAnimator class,它仅以 20 FPS 设置动画。它在此处的工作线程方法中有一个硬编码的 50 毫秒 Thread.Sleep()


最初在编写以下内容时我无法访问 Windows 表单源,但现在我可能会 subclass PictureBox 并使其使用不同的ImageAnimator 实施以将 Thread.Sleep() 降低到合理的值。 (ImageAnimator 是一个密封的 class,所以您必须将代码复制到一个新的 class 中,然后在您的 PictureBox 中引用它,而不是为了更流畅的动画。)


PictureBox 是一个相当重量级的控件,我建议您使用 Panel 之类的东西来代替您的动画 GIF。此外,我了解到 PictureBox 的内部动画计时器分辨率较低,这意味着选择 <100 毫秒的更新间隔会导致它四舍五入为 100 毫秒更新。

相反,您可以自己控制绘画和动画。这使用 PInvoke,因为它使用了一些内核定时器方法。示例代码如下:

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;


public partial class Form1 : Form
    static extern bool CreateTimerQueueTimer(out IntPtr phNewTimer,
        IntPtr TimerQueue, WaitOrTimerDelegate Callback, IntPtr Parameter,
        uint DueTime, uint Period, uint Flags);
    static extern bool ChangeTimerQueueTimer(IntPtr TimerQueue, IntPtr Timer,
        uint DueTime, uint Period);
    static extern bool DeleteTimerQueueTimer(IntPtr TimerQueue, 
        IntPtr Timer, IntPtr CompletionEvent);
    public delegate void WaitOrTimerDelegate(IntPtr lpParameter, 
        bool TimerOrWaitFired);

    // Holds a reference to the function to be called when the timer
    // fires
    public static WaitOrTimerDelegate UpdateFn;

    public enum ExecuteFlags
        /// <summary>
        /// The callback function is queued to an I/O worker thread. This flag should be used if the function should be executed in a thread that waits in an alertable state.
        /// The callback function is queued as an APC. Be sure to address reentrancy issues if the function performs an alertable wait operation.
        /// </summary>
        WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD = 0x00000001,

    private Image gif;
    private int frameCount = -1;
    private UInt32[] frameIntervals;
    private int currentFrame = 0;
    private static object locker = new object();
    private IntPtr timerPtr;

    public Form1()
        // Attempt to reduce flicker - all control painting must be
        // done in overridden paint methods
        this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
            ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
        // Set the timer callback
        UpdateFn = new WaitOrTimerDelegate(UpdateFrame);

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Replace this with whatever image you're animating
        gif = (Image)Properties.Resources.SomeAnimatedGif;
        // How many frames of animation are there in total?
        frameCount = gif.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Time);
        // Retrieve the frame time property
        PropertyItem propItem = gif.GetPropertyItem(20736);
        int propIndex = 0;
        frameIntervals = new UInt32[frameCount];
        // Each frame can have a different timing - retrieve each of them
        for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
            // NB: intervals are given in hundredths of a second, so need
            // multiplying to match the timer's millisecond interval
            frameIntervals[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(propItem.Value, 
                propIndex) * 10;
            // Point to the next interval stored in this property
            propIndex += 4;

        // Show the first frame of the animation
        // Start the animation. We use a TimerQueueTimer which has better
        // resolution than Windows Forms' default one. It should be used
        // instead of the multimedia timer, which has been deprecated
        CreateTimerQueueTimer(out this.timerPtr, IntPtr.Zero, UpdateFn, 
            IntPtr.Zero, frameIntervals[0], 100000,

    private void UpdateFrame(IntPtr lpParam, bool timerOrWaitFired)
        // The timer has elapsed
        // Update the number of the frame to show next
        currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % frameCount;
        // Paint the frame to the panel
        // Re-start the timer after updating its interval to that of
        // the new frame
        ChangeTimerQueueTimer(IntPtr.Zero, this.timerPtr,
            frameIntervals[currentFrame], 100000);

    private void ShowFrame()
        // We need to use a lock as we cannot update the GIF at the
        // same time as it's being drawn
        lock (locker)
            gif.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Time, currentFrame);


    private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

        lock (locker)
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(gif, panel1.ClientRectangle);

    private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
        DeleteTimerQueueTimer(IntPtr.Zero, timerPtr, IntPtr.Zero);

注意:我们将定时器调用的 Period 设置为 100000,因为如果将其设置为 0(表示一次性计时),它只会触发一次,即使您随后调用 ChangeTimerQueueTimer.

计时器仍然不适合超精确计时,但这仍然可以为您提供比 PictureBox.
