MonadBaseControl:如何从 Happstack 中提取 simpleHTTP?

MonadBaseControl: how to lift simpleHTTP from Happstack?

如何使用MonadBaseControl from monad-control to lift simpleHTTP function defined in happstack-server?


simpleHTTP :: ToMessage a 
           => Conf -> ServerPartT IO a -> IO () 

simpleHTTPLifted 的预期类型:

simpleHTTPLifted :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, ToMessage a)
                 => Conf -> ServerPartT m a -> m ()


simpleHTTPLifted conf action =
   liftBaseWith (\runInBase ->
                  fixTypes :: UnWebT m a -> UnWebT IO a
                  fixTypes c = runInBase c
              in simpleHTTP conf (mapServerPartT fixTypes action)

请注意,我的相关问题中有类似的谜题:MonadBaseControl: how to lift ThreadGroup


编辑:我想我需要一个 (StM m a -> a) 类型的函数。 restoreM 非常接近,但没有成功。我还发现了 fixTypes:

fixTypes :: UnWebT m a -> UnWebT IO a
fixTypes c = do
    x <- newIORef undefined
    _ <- runInBase (c >>= liftBase . writeIORef x)
    readIORef x

这依赖于 IO 作为基础 monad,这不是最佳解决方案。

我认为您一般无法解除任何 MonadBaseControl IO m。有一些 m 是我们可以做到的。


UnWebT mWebT m which has a MonadTransControl 实例同构。您可以使用 mkWebT :: UnWebT m a -> WebT m aununWebT :: WebT m a -> UnWebT m a.

WebT 相互转换

MonadBaseControl 是围绕一堆 MonadTransControl 变换器的奇特包装器,它使堆栈变平,以便 运行 和恢复状态一直发生在堆栈中并一直返回再顶一下理解MonadTransControl就可以理解MonadBaseControl,我在这里简单重复一下:

class MonadTrans t => MonadTransControl t where
  data StT t :: * -> *
  liftWith :: Monad m => (Run t -> m a) -> t m a
  restoreT :: Monad m => m (StT t a) -> t m a

type Run t = forall n b. Monad n => t n b -> n (StT t b)

class和liftWith表示,"I'll provide a temporary way to run t ms in m, which you can use to build actions in m, which I will in turn run."结果的StT类型表示,"the results of the t m things I run in m for you aren't going to be generally available in t m; I need to save my state somewhere, and you have to give me a chance to restore my state if you want the results."

另一种说法大致相同的是,"I can temporarily unwrap the base monad"。实施 fixTypes 的问题被简化为 "Given that we can temporarily unwrap a WebT from an m and can temporarily unwrap an m from IO, can we permanently unwrap an m from an IO?",除了 IO 的能力,答案几乎肯定是 "no".

IO 技巧

我怀疑存在 m 使得 "ugly" fixTypes 会做一些可怕的事情,比如从不调用 writeIORef,因此 return undefined 或异步执行代码,因此在 readIORef 之后调用 writeIORef。我不确定。由于 liftBaseWith 创建的操作可能永远不会在这种退化的情况下使用,这使得推理变得复杂。

对于 Comonads

当 monad m 的状态是 Comonad 并且因此具有函数 extract :: StM m a -> a。例如,StateT s m 就是这种情况,它本质上具有 StM s a ~ (s, a).

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP

import Control.Comonad
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control

simpleHTTPLifted :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Comonad (StM m), ToMessage a)
                 => Conf -> ServerPartT m a -> m ()
simpleHTTPLifted conf action =
    liftBaseWith (\runInBase ->
            fixTypes :: UnWebT m b -> UnWebT IO b
            fixTypes = fmap extract . runInBase
        in simpleHTTP conf (mapServerPartT fixTypes action)

在实践中这不是很有用,因为在旧版本的 monad-control 中定义的 newtypes 没有 Comonad 实例,并且在新版本的 monad 中没有类型同义词-control 不努力将结果作为最后一个类型参数。例如,在最新版本的 monad-control type StT (StateT s) a = (a, s) .