VBA 中的 UDF 中的长字符串错误 #VALUE 用于 Excel 中的输出

Error #VALUE with long string in UDF in VBA for output in Excel

我使用下面的 UDF 连接引用以将结果包含在
SQL 查询,例如 ref in ('ref1', 'ref2', ...).

UDF 正常工作,但是当我需要放置一个巨大的引用列表时,
我在 Excel

中得到 #VALUE

我已经看过 this answer,但我无法使我的 UDF 工作...

我试图将函数的类型从 String 更改为 Variant(明确地),

我还尝试了 ConcatSQL2 = A(0)ConcatSQL2 = A 的输出,
Dim A(0 To 0) As String 对于声明,...再次不起作用...
我 运行 没主意了...

有关信息,结果字符串预计长度约为 220k...
为了帮助您生成大量文本,您可以使用 Lorem Ipsum generator here!

Public Function ConcatSQL2(Plage As Range, Optional Doublon As Boolean = True)
Dim A() As String, _
    Cel As Range
ReDim A(0)

A(0) = "('"
For Each Cel In Plage.Cells
    If (Cel.Value <> "" And (InStr(1, A(0), Cel.Value) = 0 Or Doublon)) Then
        A(0) = A(0) & Cel.Value & "', '"
    End If
A(0) = Left(A(0), Len(A(0)) - 3) & ")"

ConcatSQL2 = A(0)
End Function

关于@Rory 的评论:

32767 is the maximum number of characters in a cell



Public Function ConcatSQL2(Plage As Range, Optional Doublon As Boolean = True)
Dim A(0 To 0) As String, _
    myFile As String, _
    Cel As Range
'ReDim A(0)

A(0) = "('"
For Each Cel In Plage.Cells
    If (Cel.Value <> "" And (InStr(1, A(0), Cel.Value) = 0 Or Doublon)) Then
        A(0) = A(0) & Cel.Value & "', '"
    End If
A(0) = Left(A(0), Len(A(0)) - 3) & ")"

myFile = "Path\FileName.txt"
Open myFile For Output As #1
Write #1, A(0)
Close #1

ConcatSQL2 = A
End Function