如何将特定点(我已经制作了不同的颜色)带到 R 散点图的前面?

How do I bring a specific point (that I've made a different color) to the front of and R scatter plot?

我在 R 中使用以下方法绘制了散点图:

plot(x2~x1, pch=20, col=df$colour, cex=1.5, xlim=c(-4,16), ylim=c(-4,16))
with(df, text(x2~x1, labels = df$gene, pos = 4))
plot(x4~x3, pch=20, col=df$colour, cex=1.5, xlim=c(-4,16), ylim=c(-4,16))
with(df, text(x4~x3, labels = df$gene, pos = 4))



y1 <- x1[df$coulour=="red"]
y2 <- x2[df$coulour=="red"]
y3 <- x3[df$coulour=="red"]
y4 <- x4[df$coulour=="red"]


plot(x2~x1, pch=20, col=df$colour, cex=1.5, xlim=c(-4,16), ylim=c(-4,16))
points(y2~y1, pch=20, col="red", cex=1.5)
with(df, text(x2~x1, labels = df$gene, pos = 4))

plot(x4~x3, pch=20, col=df$colour, cex=1.5, xlim=c(-4,16), ylim=c(-4,16))
points(y4~y3, pch=20, col="red", cex=1.5)
with(df, text(x4~x3, labels = df$gene, pos = 4))