如何设置 pep8 linter 接受 2 space 缩进?

How can I set the pep8 linter to accept 2 space indents?

pep8 默认状态缩进应该是 4 的倍数。

我可以将什么参数传递给 pep8 配置文件以便接受 2 的倍数的缩进?

经过一番挖掘,From the Docs


[pep8] ignore = E226,E302,E41 max-line-length = 160

At the project level, a setup.cfg file or a tox.ini file is read if present (.pep8 file is also supported, but it is deprecated). If none of these files have a [pep8] section, no project specific configuration is loaded.

If the ignore option is not in the configuration and not in the arguments, only the error codes E123/E133, E226 and E241/E242 are ignored (see below).

仅忽略 4 的倍数规则使用忽略 E111