非递归 Kosaraju 的两遍算法实现永远在大型数据集上执行

Non recursive Kosaraju's two pass algorithm implementation taking forever to execute on a large data set


1 2

2 3

3 1

3 4

5 4

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Link to my program file



#define N 875714
#define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end()
#define tr(c,i) for(typeof((c).begin()) i = (c).begin(); i != (c).end(); i++)

vi v(N), ft, size;


void DFS(vvi g, int s, int flag)
stack<int> stk;
v[s] = 1;

int jumpOut, count;
vi::iterator i;

if(flag == 2)
     count = 1;

i = g[stk.top()].begin();
jumpOut = 0;

for(; i != g[stk.top()].end(); i++)
    if(v[*i] != 1)
        v[*i] = 1;

        if(flag == 2) //Count the SCC size

        jumpOut = 1; //Jump to the while loop's beginning

 if(flag == 1 && jumpOut == 0) //Record the finishing time order of vertices

 if(jumpOut == 0)

if(flag == 2)
    size.push_back(count); //Store the SCC size

// 2 pass Kosaraju 算法

void kosaraju(vvi g, vvi gr)
cout<<"\nInside pass 1\n";

for(int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if(v[i] != 1)
        DFS(gr, i, 1);

cout<<"\nPass 1 completed\n";

fill(all(v), 0);

cout<<"\nInside pass 2\n";

for(int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if(v[ ft[i] ] != 1)
        DFS(g, ft[i], 2);

cout<<"\nPass 2 completed\n";


int main()
vvi g(N), gr(N);
ifstream file("/home/tauseef/Desktop/DAA/SCC.txt");
int first, second;
string line;

while(getline(file,line,'\n')) //Reading from file
    stringstream ss(line);
    ss >> first;
    ss >> second;
    if(first == second) //Eliminating self loops

    g[first-1].push_back(second-1); //Creating G & Grev

cout<<"\nfile read successfully\n";

kosaraju(g, gr);

cout<<"\nFinishing order is: ";
tr(ft, j)
    cout<<*j+1<<" ";

sort(size.rbegin(), size.rend()); //Sorting the SCC sizes in descending order

cout<<"\nThe largest 5 SCCs are: ";
tr(size, j)
    cout<<*j<<" ";


1- cin 对于大输入没有那么快 scanf :因为你的输入文件很大,你最好使用 scanf 来读取你的数据。
2- 按值将大数据传递给函数不是一个好主意:您的代码中有两个巨大的图形,您将它们按值传递给函数。这需要很多时间,因为每次你都在复制数据。
3- 无需使用 iterator 来遍历 vector:因为您正在使用 vector 并且您可以通过以下方式随机访问它[] 运算符不需要使用 iterator 来访问数据。
4-你的DFS效率不高:这是最重要的一个。每次程序转到 while 的开头并检查 stack 顶部元素的邻接列表时,您从头开始检查元素。这使得算法非常低效,因为你要一遍又一遍地检查一些东西。您可以简单地存储您检查了多少 children,当您返回到该元素时,您从下一个元素开始,而不是从 start 开始。

using namespace std;

typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<vi> vvi;

#define N 875714
#define sz(a) int((a).size())
#define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end()
#define tr(c,i) for(typeof((c).begin()) i = (c).begin(); i != (c).end(); i++)

vi v(N), ft, size;
vi childsVisited(N);

void DFS(vvi &g, int s, int flag)
    stack<int> stk;
    v[s] = 1;

    int jumpOut, count;

    if(flag == 2)
        count = 1;
    int counter = 0;
        jumpOut = 0;
        int cur = stk.top();
        for ( ;childsVisited[cur] < g[cur].size(); ++childsVisited[cur] )
        //for ( int i=0; i< g[cur].size(); ++i )
        //for(; i != g[stk.top()].end(); i++)
            int i = childsVisited[cur];
            int next = g[cur][i];
            if(v[next] != 1)
                v[next] = 1;
                if(flag == 2) //Count the SCC size

                jumpOut = 1; //Jump to the while loop's beginning

        if(flag == 1 && jumpOut == 0) //Record the finishing time order of vertices

        if(jumpOut == 0)

    if(flag == 2)
        size.push_back(count); //Store the SCC size

void kosaraju(vvi &g, vvi &gr)
    cout<<"\nInside pass 1\n";

    for(int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if(v[i] != 1)
            DFS(gr, i, 1);

    cout<<"\nPass 1 completed\n";

    fill(all(v), 0);
    fill(all(childsVisited), 0);

    cout<<"\nInside pass 2\n";

    for(int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if(v[ ft[i] ] != 1)
            DFS(g, ft[i], 2);

    cout<<"\nPass 2 completed\n";

int main()
    vvi g(N), gr(N);
    //ifstream file("/home/tauseef/Desktop/DAA/SCC.txt");
    int first, second;
    //string line;
    unsigned long int cnt = 0;

    //while(getline(file,line,'\n')) //Reading from file
        //stringstream ss(line);
        //ss >> first;
        //ss >> second;
        //if(first == second) //Eliminating self loops
    for ( int i = 0; i < 5105043; ++i ){
        int first, second;
        scanf("%d %d",&first,&second);
        g[first-1].push_back(second-1); //Creating G & Grev

    cout<<"\nfile read successfully\n";

    kosaraju(g, gr);

    cout<<"\nFinishing order is: ";

    sort(size.rbegin(), size.rend()); //Sorting the SCC sizes in descending order

    cout<<"\nThe largest 5 SCCs are: ";
