Jquery:无法在 Jquery UI 可排序和 owl 轮播之间动态切换

Jquery: Can't toggle between Jquery UI sortable and owl carousel dynamically

我正在尝试在 owl 轮播和 jquery UI 可排序(网格类型)之间切换 div。 尝试从旋转木马切换到可排序模式时出现问题。

<div  class="grid">
    <div id="i_1">A</div>
    <div id="i_2">B</div>
    <div id="i_3">C</div>
    <div id="i_4">D</div>           

<div><button  id="enable-owl">owl</button></div>
<div><button  id="enable-sortable">sortable</button></div> 


 $(document).ready(function() {

            tolerance: 'pointer',
            revert: 400,
            placeholder: 'placeholder tile',
            forceHelperSize: true,            
 $( "#enable-owl" ).button().on( "click", function() {

                  $( ".grid" ).sortable( "disable" );
 $( "#enable-sortable" ).button().on( "click", function(){           

                  $( ".grid" ).sortable( "enable" );




如果你想让它们正常工作,你需要 distroy 它们而不仅仅是 disable 它们,因为样式和额外的元素是创建干扰其他插件的功能。

$(document).ready(function () {

    var sort_options = {                        // save this for later use
        tolerance: 'pointer',
        revert: 400,
        placeholder: 'placeholder tile',
        forceHelperSize: true,

    $(".grid").sortable(sort_options);         // use the options 

    $("#enable-owl").button().on("click", function () {

        $(".grid").sortable("destroy");       // destroy sortable
        $(".dyna-owl").owlCarousel();         // enable owlCarousel


    $("#enable-sortable").button().on("click", function () {

        $('.dyna-owl').data('owlCarousel').destroy();    // destroy owlCarousel
        $(".grid").sortable(sort_options);    // enable sortable with the options

