
share storage account on different subscription and location

我成功地将 Azure 文件存储安装到同一订阅和位置内的 VM。现在我将这个 VM 克隆到一个新的订阅和另一个位置 - 所以我的新机器除了订阅和位置之外完全相同。当我运行相同的命令挂载相同的文件存储时:

sudo mount -t cifs //MYACCOUNT.file.core.windows.net/MY/FOLDER /MY/LOCAL/FOLDER/ -o vers=3.0,username=USER,password=ACCESSKEY,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777


mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

我认为这与不同的订阅和位置有关,因为在门户中,当我在我的文件存储中单击 connect 时,它说:

To connect to this file share, run this command from any Windows virtual machine on the same subscription and location:


您需要使用 SMB 3.0 协议在该 Azure 区域之外进行连接。此页面表示 Linux 不支持它: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-how-to-use-files-linux/

Note that since the Linux SMB client doesn’t yet support encryption, mounting a file share from Linux still requires the client to be in the same Azure region as the file share. However, encryption support for Linux is on the roadmap of Linux developers responsible for SMB functionality.

编辑:Ubuntu here 有更新。