CakeEmail 在使用主题时错误地报告缺少模板

CakeEmail is erroneously reporting that a template is missing when using themes

我有一个控制器 QuickContacts,其操作 add() 使用 CakeEmail 发送消息,如下所示:

$Email = new CakeEmail();
$Email->from(array('noreply@xyz' => 'xyz'));
$Email->to(($this->isBranded) ? $this->brandedAccount['BrandedAccount']['contact_us_email'] : EMAIL_TO_MAIL_ADDRESS);
$Email->emailFormat('html')->template('add', 'default');



Missing View
Error: The view for QuickContactsController::add() was not found.

Confirm you have created the file: Emails/html/add.ctp  in one of the following paths:


我当然可以确认这些文件存在,但出于某种原因,CakePHP 仍然无法找到它们,而且我无法弄清楚为什么会发生这种情况。谁能指出我正确的方向?

您必须在 CakeEmail 中明确设置主题:


如 Cookbox 2.x 中所述:Sending Templated Emails

错误消息将您指向正确的路径,但 CakePHP 正在寻找您的文件:

