如何使用来自 Android 的 MediaProjection API 来录制在 android 设备中输出的系统音频?
How to use the MediaProjection API, from Android, to record system audio that is outputted in an android device?
拜托,我想知道如何使用 Android 的 MediaProjection API 来录制在 android 设备中输出的系统声音?我要录制的系统声音是从 android 设备的某些用户应用程序、扬声器或耳机中输出的。
"Please, I don't want to record, or to capture, the screen with the MediaProjection API from Android, but I want to record the system sound with it."!
"Please, I want some code lines in Java, explaining how to use the Media Projection API from Android, too."!
MediaProjection API 网页是:http://developer.android.com/intl/pt-br/reference/android/media/projection/MediaProjection.html, in Portuguese-Brazilian language. And, in the English language, it is: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/projection/MediaProjection.html。
I liked to know how to use the MediaProjection API, from Android, to record system sound that is outputted in an android device?
抱歉,这是不可能的。媒体投影 API 不录制音频。
I don't want to record, or to capture, the screen with the MediaProjection API from Android
媒体投影 API 的唯一用途是 "to record, or to capture, the screen"。
附带 Android10,MediaProjection API 现在支持音频捕获!
拜托,我想知道如何使用 Android 的 MediaProjection API 来录制在 android 设备中输出的系统声音?我要录制的系统声音是从 android 设备的某些用户应用程序、扬声器或耳机中输出的。
"Please, I don't want to record, or to capture, the screen with the MediaProjection API from Android, but I want to record the system sound with it."!
"Please, I want some code lines in Java, explaining how to use the Media Projection API from Android, too."!
MediaProjection API 网页是:http://developer.android.com/intl/pt-br/reference/android/media/projection/MediaProjection.html, in Portuguese-Brazilian language. And, in the English language, it is: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/projection/MediaProjection.html。
I liked to know how to use the MediaProjection API, from Android, to record system sound that is outputted in an android device?
抱歉,这是不可能的。媒体投影 API 不录制音频。
I don't want to record, or to capture, the screen with the MediaProjection API from Android
媒体投影 API 的唯一用途是 "to record, or to capture, the screen"。
附带 Android10,MediaProjection API 现在支持音频捕获! https://medium.com/@juliozynger/media-projection-and-audio-capture-1ca72e271e9c