存储插件配置持久性不适用于 Apache Drill

Storage plugin configuration persistence not working for Apache Drill

根据 Drill 的 documentation :

Drill uses /tmp/drill/sys.storage_plugins to store storage plugin configurations. The temporary directory clears when you quit the Drill shell. To save your storage plugin configurations from one session to the next, set the following option in the drill-override.conf file if you are running Drill in embedded mode.

drill.exec.sys.store.provider.local.path = "/mypath"

我检查了/tmp/drill/sys.storage_plugins,这个文件中有一些数据。然后我修改了 drill-override.conf :

drill.exec: {
  cluster-id: "drillbits1",
  zk.connect: "localhost:2181",
  drill.exec.sys.store.provider.local.path = "/home/dev/abc"

我重新启动了 drill,甚至重新启动了我的机器。在此位置未创建任何内容。

注意: 我正在使用 ubuntu 14.0.4 & Drill 版本 - 1.3。 Drill 运行 处于嵌入式模式


我对此提出了 issue已解决

使用 sys.store.provider.local.path 而不是 drill.exec.sys.store.provider.local.path 因为它已经在 drill.exec

修改后的钻-override.conf :

drill.exec: {
  cluster-id: "drillbits1",
  zk.connect: "localhost:2181",
  sys.store.provider.local.path = "/home/dev/abc"


drill.exec: {
  cluster-id: "drillbits1",
  zk.connect: "localhost:2181",