存储从 LinkedIn 检索到的个人资料数据的限制 API

Limitations to storing profile data retrieved from LinkedIn API

是否允许存储 LinkedIn 个人资料 API 提供的个人资料的公司名称?

Terms of Use 指的是存储检索到的数据时的某些限制,我不清楚是否允许使用此特定数据。


其次,他们明确排除了 companies,但我不确定他们是否引用了 Profile API[=35] 提供的数据=](职位 in 基本资料字段)或从资料公司API[=35=中检索的数据].


Terms of Use


Introduction / Scope and Intent / Self-Service Program

You cannot use our self-service program [...], if your Application [...] will store or export any data from LinkedIn other than a LinkedIn member’s profile data (name, photo, headline, contact information, experience, education, summary, and location). [...]


Act Professionally / Store Content Only As Allowed / Member Profile Data

You may store a user’s Profile Data if you have the consent of the user to do so [...]. “Profile Data” means the name, photo, headline, contact information, experience, education, summary, and location of a LinkedIn member. Profile Data excludes connections, network updates, job listings, groups, companies, and any other Content.

正如您从 Terms of Use 中引用的那样,会员个人资料数据包含以下信息:

  • 姓名
  • 照片
  • 标题
  • 联系信息
  • 经验
  • 教育
  • 总结
  • 位置


  • 连接
  • 网络更新
  • 职位列表
  • 群组
  • 公司
  • 其他内容

查看这些列表,我们可以取 Experience,因为它在 LinkedIn 上用于指代用户在公司中担任的角色,因此您自然可以访问公司名称。

Platform Guidelines,点3.2:

[..] You may only store the profile of that person, not the profile data of that person's connections, network updates, or other network information.

查看 Profile Fields 的 API 文档,在 sub-sections 中引用 PositionsCompany,您可以看到:

Positions are structured objects returned as part of profile.


  • 职位
  • 总结
  • 公司

Company is a structured object returned as part of profile.

Not used directly with people calls, but used in position calls.


  • 公司名称
  • 公司行业
