为什么我无法将批准记录行添加到 CR 票据中

Why i can't add Approval record row into the CR ticket

这是一个 Apex 测试 Class 代码,我这里的是这个 class 将包含硬编码值以创建提交票证以供批准。

我想知道我是否可以在这里获得任何指导,因为我真的无法从其他地方获得。 感谢您提供的任何帮助。

PS。这是 Salesforce 平台 - Remedyforce 相关。


public class Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment {

   create an object for approval, then
    simulate rejecting the approval with an added comment.

    The rejection should be processed normally without being interrupted.
private static testmethod void testRejectionWithComment()
    // Generate sample work item using utility method.
    Id testWorkItemId = generateAndSubmitObject();

    // Reject the submitted request, providing a comment.
    Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testRej = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
    testRej.setComments('Rejecting request with a comment.');
    testRej.setAction  ('Reject');

        // Process the rejection
        Approval.ProcessResult testRejResult =  Approval.process(testRej);

    // Verify the rejection results
    System.assert(testRejResult.isSuccess(), 'Rejections that include comments should be permitted');
    System.assertEquals('Rejected', testRejResult.getInstanceStatus(), 
      'Rejections that include comments should be successful and instance status should be Rejected');

    For this test, create an object for approval, then reject the request, then
    without a comment explaining why. The rejection should be halted, and
    and an apex page message should be provided to the user.
private static testmethod void testRejectionWithoutComment()
    // Generate sample work item using utility method.
    Id testWorkItemId = generateAndSubmitObject();

    // Reject the submitted request, without providing a comment.
    Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testRej = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
    testRej.setAction  ('Reject');      

        // Attempt to process the rejection
            Approval.ProcessResult testRejResult =  Approval.process(testRej);
            system.assert(false, 'A rejection with no comment should cause an exception');
        catch(DMLException e)
            system.assertEquals('Operation Cancelled: Please provide a rejection reason!', 
              'error message should be Operation Cancelled: Please provide a rejection reason!'); 

    When an approval is approved instead of rejected, a comment is not required, 
    mark the approval status as pending, then ensure that this functionality still holds together.
private static testmethod void testApprovalWithoutComment()
    // Generate sample work item using utility method.
    Id testWorkItemId = generateAndSubmitObject();

    // approve the submitted request, without providing a comment.
    Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testApp = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
    testApp.setComments ('');
    testApp.setAction   ('Approve');

        // Process the approval
        Approval.ProcessResult testAppResult =  Approval.process(testApp);

    // Verify the approval results
                 'Approvals that do not include comments should still be permitted');
    System.assertEquals('Approved', testAppResult.getInstanceStatus(), 
       'All approvals should be successful and result in an instance status of Approved');

    Put many objects through the approval process, some rejected, some approved,
    some with comments, some without. Only rejctions without comments should be
    prevented from being saved.
private static testmethod void testBatchRejctions()
    List<BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c> testBatchIS = new List<BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c>{};
    for (Integer i = 0; i < 200; i++)
        testBatchIS.add(new BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c());           

    insert testBatchIS;

    List<Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest> testReqs = 
                     new List<Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest>{}; 
    for(BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c testinv : testBatchIS)
        Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest testReq = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();

    List<Approval.ProcessResult> reqResults = Approval.process(testReqs);

    for (Approval.ProcessResult reqResult : reqResults)
                      'Unable to submit new batch invoice statement record for approval');

    List<Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest> testAppRejs 
                                              = new List<Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest>{};

    for (Integer i = 0; i < 50 ; i++)
        Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testRejWithComment = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
        testRejWithComment.setComments  ('Rejecting request with a comment.');
        testRejWithComment.setAction    ('Reject');


        Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testRejWithoutComment = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
        testRejWithoutComment.setAction    ('Reject');


        Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testAppWithComment = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
        testAppWithComment.setComments  ('Approving request with a comment.');
        testAppWithComment.setAction    ('Approve');


        Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testAppWithoutComment = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
        testAppWithoutComment.setAction    ('Approve');


        // Process the approvals and rejections
            List<Approval.ProcessResult> testAppRejResults =  Approval.process(testAppRejs);
            system.assert(false, 'Any rejections without comments should cause an exception');
        catch(DMLException e)
            system.assertEquals(50, e.getNumDml());

            for(Integer i = 0; i < 50 ; i++)
                system.assertEquals((i*4) + 1, e.getDmlIndex(i));
                system.assertEquals('Operation Cancelled: Please provide a rejection reason!', 

    Utility method for creating single object, and submitting for approval.

    The method should return the Id of the work item generated as a result of the submission.

    ***Include required field and set status.
private static Id generateAndSubmitObject()
    // Create a sample object and then submit it for approval.
    BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c testIS = new BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c();
    testIS = [Select Id From BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c Where Name ='CR00002135'];

    insert testIS;

    Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest testReq = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
    Approval.ProcessResult reqResult = Approval.process(testReq);

    System.assert(reqResult.isSuccess(),'Unable to submit new invoice statement record for approval');

    return reqResult.getNewWorkitemIds()[0];


测试 运行 测试 class 后,我收到了这些错误消息,


[查看] 0:00 Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment testApprovalWithoutComment 失败 System.QueryException: List 没有要分配给 SObject 的行 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.generateAndSubmitObject:第 187 行,第 1 列 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.testApprovalWithoutComment:第 71 行,第 1 列

[查看] 0:18 Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment 测试批次拒绝 失败 System.DmlException: 处理失败。第 0 行的第一个异常;第一个错误:NO_APPLICABLE_PROCESS,未找到适用的审批流程。:[] Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.testBatchRejctions:第 115 行,第 1 列

[查看] 0:00 Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment testRejectionWithComment 失败 System.QueryException: List 没有要分配给 SObject 的行 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.generateAndSubmitObject:第 187 行,第 1 列 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.testRejectionWithComment:第 13 行,第 1 列

[查看] 0:00 Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment 测试拒绝无评论 失败 System.QueryException: List 没有要分配给 SObject 的行 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.generateAndSubmitObject:第 187 行,第 1 列 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.testRejectionWithoutComment:第 40 行,第 1 列

问题似乎出在您的 generateAndSubmitObject() 静态方法中。有很多奇怪的行为。


第 1 行:testIS 获取一个新实例化的 BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c 对象。

第 2 行:testIS 获取 BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c 个对象的列表(但只有 ID 字段),其中名称等于 'CR00002135'。这里有两个问题。首先,此操作使 1 号线完全无用。二、这将return没有结果。您没有任何名为 CR00002135 的 CR 此时是您的数据库。

第 3 行:您正在将这个空列表重新插入到数据库中。这又是一个无操作

如果您修复第 1 - 3 行,其余部分应该可以正常工作。 我的建议是去掉第 2 行并更新第 1 行,这样当你实例化你的 BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c 对象时,它就会拥有你想要的所有信息。