使用空 List 参数在 Gherkin 中创建 Cucumber 特征

Create a Cucumber feature in Gherkin with an empty List argument

我在 Java 中使用 Cucumber,并编写了一个以 List 作为参数的场景,即

And the following ids are within the range: 1, 2


@Given("^the following ids are within the range: (.*)$")
public void ids_are_within_range(List<String> idsWithinRange) {
    this.idsWithinRange = idsWithinRange

但是,如果我尝试不将任何 ID 传递到列表中,就会遇到问题:

And the following ids are within the range: 


Wrong test finished. Last started: [] stopped: Scenario: Search for manifests, none of which are within a date range in the data platform; class org.junit.runner.Description
Test '.Feature: Restful CRUD service for manifest searches.Scenario: Search for manifests, none of which are within a date range in the data platform' ignored
You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
@Given("^and the following ids are within the range:$")

如何将空 List 传递到我的方法中?


And the following ids are within the range: ,

您将在您的方法中收到一个已初始化的空 ArrayList。 希望能帮助到你。无论如何,我会等待其他答案,也许有人可以提供更好的解决方案。