什么会导致我的 SQL 服务器权限从一个存储过程的执行更改为下一个?
What could cause my SQL Server permissions to change from one execution of a stored procedure to the next?
我正在使用一个存储过程,在第一次执行时 运行s 没有抱怨权限。存储过程只有一个 UID/PWD 设置(对于 g运行 不同的权限级别没有不同的 UIDs/PWDs 组)。单对提供对所有内容的许可。
DataTable dtPriceComplianceResults
SQLDBHelper.ExecuteSQLReturnDataTable(PriceComplianceConstsAndUtils.SUMMARY_STOREDPROC, CommandType.StoredProcedure,
new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@BegDate",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
Value = _begDateStr
new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@EndDate",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
Value = _endDateStr
new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@Member",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
Value = _member
new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@Unit",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
Value = _unit
public static DataTable ExecuteSQLReturnDataTable(string sql, CommandType cmdType, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
using (DataSet ds = new DataSet())
using (SqlConnection connStr = new SqlConnection(PriceComplianceConstsAndUtils.CPSConnStr))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connStr))
cmd.CommandType = cmdType;
cmd.CommandTimeout = EXTENDED_TIMEOUT;
foreach (var item in parameters)
new SqlDataAdapter(cmd).Fill(ds);
catch (SqlException sqlex)
for (int i = 0; i < sqlex.Errors.Count; i++)
var sqlexDetail = String.Format("From ExecuteSQLReturnDataTable(), SQL Exception #{0}{1}Source: {2}{1}Number: {3}{1}State: {4}{1}Class: {5}{1}Server: {6}{1}Message: {7}{1}Procedure: {8}{1}LineNumber: {9}",
i + 1, // Some users would get the fantods if they saw #0
catch (Exception ex)
String exDetail = String.Format(PriceComplianceConstsAndUtils.ExceptionFormatString, ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace);
return ds.Tables[0];
ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_duckbilled_platypus]
@BegDate varchar(10),
@EndDate varchar(10),
@Member varchar(max),
@Unit varchar(max)
drop table zDistDBPExceptions
select (ph.memberno), TotalDesExceptions=1
into zDistDBPExceptions
from priceexceptionshistory ph
inner join MasterUnits MU on ph.Unit=MU.Unit
Inner Join Members M on ph.memberno = M.MemberNo
where ph.memberNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140')
and ph.memberno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@member,','))
and ph.Unit in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Unit,','))
and invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate
and filtered=0
and abs(contractprice) = 0
and abs(ph.pricepush) = 0
and bidprice > 0
and abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1
and abs(ph.pricesheet) = 1
drop table zContractDBPExceptions
select (ph.memberno), TotalContractExceptions=1
into zContractDBPExceptions
from priceexceptionshistory ph
inner join MasterUnits MU on ph.Unit=MU.Unit
Inner Join Members M on ph.memberno = M.MemberNo
where ph.memberNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140')
and ph.memberno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@member,','))
and ph.Unit in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Unit,','))
and invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate
and filtered=0
and abs(contractprice) = 1
and abs(ph.pricepush) = 1
and bidprice > 0
and abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1
drop table zDBPExceptions
select (ph.memberno), TotalPriceSheetExceptions=1--, invoicedate
into zDBPExceptions
from priceexceptionshistory ph
inner join MasterUnits MU on ph.Unit=MU.Unit
Inner Join Members M on ph.memberno = M.MemberNo
where ph.memberNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140')
and ph.memberno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@member,','))
and ph.Unit in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Unit,','))
and invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate
and filtered=0
and abs(contractprice) = 0
and abs(ph.pricepush) = 1
and bidprice > 0
and abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1
drop table zSumtDBPExceptions
select (ph.memberno), TotalSumExceptions=1
into zSumtDBPExceptions
from priceexceptionshistory ph
inner join MasterUnits MU on ph.Unit=MU.Unit
Inner Join Members M on ph.memberno = M.MemberNo
where ph.memberNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140')
and ph.memberno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@member,','))
and ph.Unit in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Unit,','))
and invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate
and filtered=0
and bidprice > 0
and abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1
and abs(ph.pricesheet) = 1
--this gets all invoice data
--insert into PriceExceptionsHistory
-- *** zContractDBPBase ***
drop table zContractDBPBase
. . .
昨天发生的非常奇怪的 (ISTM) 事情是存储过程根本 运行 失败,告诉我要么 tables 被删除(所有都在存储过程中删除,依次列出每个)要么不存在,要么我没有权限使用它们。他们确实都存在。所以权限似乎是问题所在。
然而,今天早上,在没有更改代码或数据库的情况下,存储过程最初 运行 没有抱怨权限问题(仅限第一次)。
但是,在第二次执行时,它抱怨我没有 zContractDBPBase table 的权限。我想我现在有权删除前四个,但不是这个...?!?
IOW,我收到的错误信息(在 "Query completed with errors" 之后)现在是:
Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Procedure sp_zDBP_pella, Line 80
Cannot drop the table 'zContractDBPBase', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
...虽然以前是同一条消息,但对于所有丢弃的 table,而不仅仅是一个。
那么为什么权限是 mutable?我刷新了 table 的列表,仍然看到我显然没有权限的 table ("zContractDBPBase");它在 Visual Studio IDE 和 LINQPad 中的服务器资源管理器中刷新时可见。
我需要做什么(除了更改存储过程本身,这超出了我的职责和专业范围)让存储过程允许 "me" 删除 tables?
Pikoh 的评论让我想起了我之前想知道的事情——如果同时使用 LINQPad 运行 是有问题的——LINQPad "user" 和 Visual Studio "user" 都是都挂在那些连接上,或者 SP,或者导致混乱的东西上。
我关闭了 LINQPad,不再有这些问题 - 运行 SP 通过 VS 中的服务器资源管理器,或通过应用程序中的 C# 代码。
我非常喜欢 LINQPad,但它显然不能很好地与 SQL 服务器配合使用,反之亦然。
我正在使用一个存储过程,在第一次执行时 运行s 没有抱怨权限。存储过程只有一个 UID/PWD 设置(对于 g运行 不同的权限级别没有不同的 UIDs/PWDs 组)。单对提供对所有内容的许可。
DataTable dtPriceComplianceResults
SQLDBHelper.ExecuteSQLReturnDataTable(PriceComplianceConstsAndUtils.SUMMARY_STOREDPROC, CommandType.StoredProcedure,
new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@BegDate",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
Value = _begDateStr
new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@EndDate",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
Value = _endDateStr
new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@Member",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
Value = _member
new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@Unit",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
Value = _unit
public static DataTable ExecuteSQLReturnDataTable(string sql, CommandType cmdType, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
using (DataSet ds = new DataSet())
using (SqlConnection connStr = new SqlConnection(PriceComplianceConstsAndUtils.CPSConnStr))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connStr))
cmd.CommandType = cmdType;
cmd.CommandTimeout = EXTENDED_TIMEOUT;
foreach (var item in parameters)
new SqlDataAdapter(cmd).Fill(ds);
catch (SqlException sqlex)
for (int i = 0; i < sqlex.Errors.Count; i++)
var sqlexDetail = String.Format("From ExecuteSQLReturnDataTable(), SQL Exception #{0}{1}Source: {2}{1}Number: {3}{1}State: {4}{1}Class: {5}{1}Server: {6}{1}Message: {7}{1}Procedure: {8}{1}LineNumber: {9}",
i + 1, // Some users would get the fantods if they saw #0
catch (Exception ex)
String exDetail = String.Format(PriceComplianceConstsAndUtils.ExceptionFormatString, ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace);
return ds.Tables[0];
ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_duckbilled_platypus]
@BegDate varchar(10),
@EndDate varchar(10),
@Member varchar(max),
@Unit varchar(max)
drop table zDistDBPExceptions
select (ph.memberno), TotalDesExceptions=1
into zDistDBPExceptions
from priceexceptionshistory ph
inner join MasterUnits MU on ph.Unit=MU.Unit
Inner Join Members M on ph.memberno = M.MemberNo
where ph.memberNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140')
and ph.memberno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@member,','))
and ph.Unit in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Unit,','))
and invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate
and filtered=0
and abs(contractprice) = 0
and abs(ph.pricepush) = 0
and bidprice > 0
and abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1
and abs(ph.pricesheet) = 1
drop table zContractDBPExceptions
select (ph.memberno), TotalContractExceptions=1
into zContractDBPExceptions
from priceexceptionshistory ph
inner join MasterUnits MU on ph.Unit=MU.Unit
Inner Join Members M on ph.memberno = M.MemberNo
where ph.memberNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140')
and ph.memberno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@member,','))
and ph.Unit in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Unit,','))
and invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate
and filtered=0
and abs(contractprice) = 1
and abs(ph.pricepush) = 1
and bidprice > 0
and abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1
drop table zDBPExceptions
select (ph.memberno), TotalPriceSheetExceptions=1--, invoicedate
into zDBPExceptions
from priceexceptionshistory ph
inner join MasterUnits MU on ph.Unit=MU.Unit
Inner Join Members M on ph.memberno = M.MemberNo
where ph.memberNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140')
and ph.memberno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@member,','))
and ph.Unit in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Unit,','))
and invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate
and filtered=0
and abs(contractprice) = 0
and abs(ph.pricepush) = 1
and bidprice > 0
and abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1
drop table zSumtDBPExceptions
select (ph.memberno), TotalSumExceptions=1
into zSumtDBPExceptions
from priceexceptionshistory ph
inner join MasterUnits MU on ph.Unit=MU.Unit
Inner Join Members M on ph.memberno = M.MemberNo
where ph.memberNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140')
and ph.memberno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@member,','))
and ph.Unit in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Unit,','))
and invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate
and filtered=0
and bidprice > 0
and abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1
and abs(ph.pricesheet) = 1
--this gets all invoice data
--insert into PriceExceptionsHistory
-- *** zContractDBPBase ***
drop table zContractDBPBase
. . .
昨天发生的非常奇怪的 (ISTM) 事情是存储过程根本 运行 失败,告诉我要么 tables 被删除(所有都在存储过程中删除,依次列出每个)要么不存在,要么我没有权限使用它们。他们确实都存在。所以权限似乎是问题所在。
然而,今天早上,在没有更改代码或数据库的情况下,存储过程最初 运行 没有抱怨权限问题(仅限第一次)。
但是,在第二次执行时,它抱怨我没有 zContractDBPBase table 的权限。我想我现在有权删除前四个,但不是这个...?!?
IOW,我收到的错误信息(在 "Query completed with errors" 之后)现在是:
Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Procedure sp_zDBP_pella, Line 80
Cannot drop the table 'zContractDBPBase', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
...虽然以前是同一条消息,但对于所有丢弃的 table,而不仅仅是一个。
那么为什么权限是 mutable?我刷新了 table 的列表,仍然看到我显然没有权限的 table ("zContractDBPBase");它在 Visual Studio IDE 和 LINQPad 中的服务器资源管理器中刷新时可见。
我需要做什么(除了更改存储过程本身,这超出了我的职责和专业范围)让存储过程允许 "me" 删除 tables?
Pikoh 的评论让我想起了我之前想知道的事情——如果同时使用 LINQPad 运行 是有问题的——LINQPad "user" 和 Visual Studio "user" 都是都挂在那些连接上,或者 SP,或者导致混乱的东西上。
我关闭了 LINQPad,不再有这些问题 - 运行 SP 通过 VS 中的服务器资源管理器,或通过应用程序中的 C# 代码。
我非常喜欢 LINQPad,但它显然不能很好地与 SQL 服务器配合使用,反之亦然。