SVG animateTransform 与 css3 变换不同

SVG animateTransform not working same as css3 transform

SVG animateTransform 与 css3 转换不同。

svg.truck {
  overflow: visible;
  transform-origin: 50% 50%;
  animation: smoke 1.5s infinite ease-out;
@keyframes smoke {
  from {transform: translate(0, 5px) scale(1, 1);}
  to { transform: translate(40px, 10px) scale(4, 4);}
<svg class='truck' height='53' viewBox='0 0 93 53' width='93' xmlns=''>
    <circle cx='90' cy='35' fill='#000' r='2.5'>
      <animateTransform attributeName='transform' attributeType='XML' dur='1.5s' from='1' repeatCount='indefinite' to='4' type='scale'></animateTransform>
      <animateTransform additive='sum' attributeName='transform' attributeType='XML' dur='1.5s' from='0, 5' repeatCount='indefinite' to='40,10' type='translate'></animateTransform>
<svg class='truck' height='53' viewBox='0 0 93 53' width='93' xmlns=''>
  <g class='smoke-group'>
    <circle class='smoke' cx='90' cy='35' fill='#000' r='2.5' />

问题是 SVG 动画无法像 CSS 那样设置变换原点。所以比例变换影响位置和大小。


此外,要匹配 CSS,您需要切换 <animateTransform> 元素的顺序。

svg.truck {
  overflow: visible;
  transform-origin: 50% 50%;
  animation: smoke 1.5s infinite ease-out;
@keyframes smoke {
  from {transform: translate(0, 5px) scale(1, 1);}
  to { transform: translate(40px, 10px) scale(4, 4);}
<svg class='truck' height='53' viewBox='0 0 93 53' width='93' xmlns=''>
  <g transform="translate(90,35)">
    <circle cx='0' cy='0' fill='#000' r='2.5'>
      <animateTransform attributeName='transform' attributeType='XML' dur='1.5s' from='0, 5' repeatCount='indefinite' to='40,10' type='translate'></animateTransform>
      <animateTransform additive='sum' attributeName='transform' attributeType='XML' dur='1.5s' from='1' repeatCount='indefinite' to='4' type='scale'></animateTransform>
<svg class='truck' height='53' viewBox='0 0 93 53' width='93' xmlns=''>
  <g class='smoke-group'>
    <circle class='smoke' cx='90' cy='35' fill='#000' r='2.5' />