当有人连接到我的 WiFi 网络时要求用户 signup/login

Ask user to signup/login when someone connects to my WiFi network

我希望当有人连接到我的 WiFi 网络时,用户应该被重定向到一个网站,他需要在该网站上注册或登录(如果已经注册)。只有登录成功才能使用wifi



您要找的是 captive portal. There are many free and open source versions (such as WifiDog, NoCatAuth, CoovaChilli) as well as some for-pay versions (Antamedia Hotspot, FirstSpot). You can also get some equipment (especially wireless LAN controllers) that have built-in captive portals (Netgear, Aruba, Cisco). You can also find instructions online for designing and building your own custom portal like this page