Offlineimap 在前 20-30 条消息后停止检索
Offlineimap stops retrieving after first 20-30 messages
我一直在尝试设置 offlineimap 以将邮件从 gmail 同步到我 mac machine 上的本地文件夹。
我当前设置的问题是,offlineimap 将开始同步来自两个帐户的邮件,我可以看到类似 -
Copy message 3 (3 of 10966) repo1_remote:[Gmail]/Important -> repo1_local
但是,在大约 20-30 copy message
之后,这些行就停止了。 Offlineimap 虽然仍然连接,它在 10 分钟后刷新并再次同步但是,我再也看不到存储库中的 copy message
行,它就停止了。我可以在 mutt 中看到这些新的 20-30 条新消息,但不会更多。杀死并重新启动 offlineimap 再次复制 20-30 条新消息并再次停止。我不知道哪里出了问题。我想它应该在本地复制所有消息。这是我的 offlineimaprc
。我已正确设置 python 文件。
metadata = ~/.offlineimap
accounts = repo1, repo2
maxsyncaccounts = 10
#ui = blinkenlights
ui = ttyui
pythonfile = ~/Development/OfflineIMAP/mail/
#socktimeout = 60
[Account repo2]
localrepository = repo2_local
remoterepository = repo2_remote
autorefresh = 10
status_backend = sqlite
synclabels = yes
[Account repo1]
localrepository = repo1_local
remoterepository = repo1_remote
autorefresh = 10
status_backend = sqlite
synclabels = yes
[Repository repo2_local]
type = GmailMaildir
nametrans = get_remote_name
localfolders = ~/Development/OfflineIMAP/mail/repo2
sep = /
restoreatime = yes
[Repository repo1_local]
type = GmailMaildir
nametrans = get_remote_name
localfolders = ~/Development/OfflineIMAP/mail/repo1
sep = /
restoreatime = yes
[Repository repo2_remote]
type = Gmail
folderfilter = is_included
nametrans = get_local_name
cert_fingerprint = 3ffdb8519c1c8242ce8387d3d9fccc208a776b4a
remoteuser =
remotepasseval = get_password('asd')
usecompression = yes
maxconnections = 3
[Repository repo1_remote]
type = Gmail
folderfilter = is_included
nametrans = get_local_name
cert_fingerprint = 3ffdb8519c1c8242ce8387d3d9fccc208a776b4a
remoteuser =
remotepasseval = get_password('qwe')
usecompression = yes
maxconnections = 3
我想知道是什么阻止了 offlineimap 复制更多消息,我应该在配置中更改什么才能使其正常工作。
我最近 运行 遇到了与 gmail 相同的问题。在我的例子中,禁用压缩并将连接限制设置为 1 解决了问题(没有时间进行全面调查)。你试过这样做吗?
我一直在尝试设置 offlineimap 以将邮件从 gmail 同步到我 mac machine 上的本地文件夹。
我当前设置的问题是,offlineimap 将开始同步来自两个帐户的邮件,我可以看到类似 -
的行Copy message 3 (3 of 10966) repo1_remote:[Gmail]/Important -> repo1_local
但是,在大约 20-30 copy message
之后,这些行就停止了。 Offlineimap 虽然仍然连接,它在 10 分钟后刷新并再次同步但是,我再也看不到存储库中的 copy message
行,它就停止了。我可以在 mutt 中看到这些新的 20-30 条新消息,但不会更多。杀死并重新启动 offlineimap 再次复制 20-30 条新消息并再次停止。我不知道哪里出了问题。我想它应该在本地复制所有消息。这是我的 offlineimaprc
。我已正确设置 python 文件。
metadata = ~/.offlineimap
accounts = repo1, repo2
maxsyncaccounts = 10
#ui = blinkenlights
ui = ttyui
pythonfile = ~/Development/OfflineIMAP/mail/
#socktimeout = 60
[Account repo2]
localrepository = repo2_local
remoterepository = repo2_remote
autorefresh = 10
status_backend = sqlite
synclabels = yes
[Account repo1]
localrepository = repo1_local
remoterepository = repo1_remote
autorefresh = 10
status_backend = sqlite
synclabels = yes
[Repository repo2_local]
type = GmailMaildir
nametrans = get_remote_name
localfolders = ~/Development/OfflineIMAP/mail/repo2
sep = /
restoreatime = yes
[Repository repo1_local]
type = GmailMaildir
nametrans = get_remote_name
localfolders = ~/Development/OfflineIMAP/mail/repo1
sep = /
restoreatime = yes
[Repository repo2_remote]
type = Gmail
folderfilter = is_included
nametrans = get_local_name
cert_fingerprint = 3ffdb8519c1c8242ce8387d3d9fccc208a776b4a
remoteuser =
remotepasseval = get_password('asd')
usecompression = yes
maxconnections = 3
[Repository repo1_remote]
type = Gmail
folderfilter = is_included
nametrans = get_local_name
cert_fingerprint = 3ffdb8519c1c8242ce8387d3d9fccc208a776b4a
remoteuser =
remotepasseval = get_password('qwe')
usecompression = yes
maxconnections = 3
我想知道是什么阻止了 offlineimap 复制更多消息,我应该在配置中更改什么才能使其正常工作。
我最近 运行 遇到了与 gmail 相同的问题。在我的例子中,禁用压缩并将连接限制设置为 1 解决了问题(没有时间进行全面调查)。你试过这样做吗?