通过 jpm 生成签名的 XPI 失败

Generating signed XPI via jpm failed

出现问题signing an Add-On via jpm:命令

jpm -v sign --api-key 'user:xxxxxxxx:xxx' --api-secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Error: Received bad response from the server while requesting https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/%40addonname/versions/0.x.y/

通过 Web 界面签名有效。



JPM [info] binary set to /usr/bin/firefox  
JPM [info] verbose set  
JPM [info] Checking compatability bootstrap.js and install.rdf for xpi  
Validating the manifest  
JPM [info] Creating fallbacks if they are necessary..  
Creating XPI  
JPM [info] Creating XPI...  
JPM [info] .jpmignore found  
JPM [info] Adding: /path/to/file  
JPM [info] Adding: /path/to/another_file  
JPM [info] XPI created at /tmp/tmp-unsigned-xpi-25600yuqzFN3Alxa0/@addonname-0.x.y.xpi (121ms)  
JPM [info] Removing fallbacks if they were necessary..  
JPM [info] Creating updateRDF...  
Created XPI at /tmp/tmp-unsigned-xpi-25600yuqzFN3Alxa0/@addonname-0.x.y.xpi  
JPM [info] Created XPI for signing: /tmp/tmp-unsigned-xpi-25600yuqzFN3Alxa0/@addonname-0.x.y.xpi  
JPM [debug] [API] -{ url: 'https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/%40addonname/versions/0.x.y/',  
   { upload:   
      { _readableState: [Object],  
        readable: true,  
        domain: null,  
        _events: [Object],  
        _eventsCount: 1,  
        _maxListeners: undefined,  
        path: '/tmp/tmp-unsigned-xpi-25600yuqzFN3Alxa0/@addonname-0.x.y.xpi',  
        fd: null,  
        flags: 'r',  
        mode: 438,  
        start: undefined,  
        end: undefined,  
        autoClose: true,  
        pos: undefined } },  
  headers: { Authorization: '<REDACTED>', Accept: 'application/json' } }  
JPM [debug] [API] <- { headers:   
   { allow: 'GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS',  
     'content-type': 'application/json',  
     date: 'Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:17:23 GMT',  
     server: 'nginx',  
     'set-cookie': '<REDACTED>',  
     'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000',  
     vary: 'Accept, X-Mobile, User-Agent',  
     'www-authenticate': 'JWT realm="api"',  
     'x-frame-options': 'DENY',  
     'content-length': '51',  
     connection: 'Close' },  
  response: { detail: 'Incorrect authentication credentials.' } }  
JPM [error] FAIL  
Error: Received bad response from the server while requesting https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/%40addonname/versions/0.x.y/  

status: 401  
response: {"detail":"Incorrect authentication credentials."}  
headers: {"allow":"GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS","content-type":"application/json","date":"Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:17:23 GMT","server":"nginx","set-cookie":["multidb_pin_writes=y; expires=Thu, 17-Dec-2015 10:17:38 GMT; Max-Age=15; Path=/"],"strict-transport-security":"max-age=31536000","vary":"Accept, X-Mobile, User-Agent","www-authenticate":"JWT realm=\"api\"","x-frame-options":"DENY","content-length":"51","connection":"Close"}  

    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/jpm/lib/amo-client.js:85:13  
    at tryCatchReject (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jpm/node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:845:30)  
    at runContinuation1 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jpm/node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:804:4)  
    at Fulfilled.when (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jpm/node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:592:4)  
    at Pending.run (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jpm/node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:483:13)  
    at Scheduler._drain (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jpm/node_modules/when/lib/Scheduler.js:62:19)  
    at Scheduler.drain (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jpm/node_modules/when/lib/Scheduler.js:27:9)  
    at doNTCallback0 (node.js:417:9)  
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:346:13)

这些帖子 (1), (2) 表明,如果您的本地时钟在 Mozilla 服务器上关闭超过 60 秒,就会发生此错误。

这也记录在 Olympia 3.0 Authentication API 中(参见 exp 参数):


This is a standard JWT claim indicating the issued at time. It should be a Unix epoch timestamp and must be in UTC time.


This is a standard JWT claim indicating the expiration time. It should be a Unix epoch timestamp in UTC time and must be no longer than 60 seconds past the issued at time.


If you’re having trouble authenticating, make sure your system clock is correct and consider synchronizing it with something like NTP (Network Time Protocol).