MQL4,大型 EA 的代码布局

MQL4, Code layout for big EA


真正的问题是:如何正确编写从多个自定义指标测试多个场景的 EA 的 'frame'?

我(忙)构建 EA 的方式并不是非常专注于一种策略,而是会尝试 'test' 多种策略和 'picks' 最合适的策略。

所以我创建了一些自定义指标,它们都返回一个数组 'status data'。



所以,我觉得最好制作多个场景(仍然在 1 个 EA 中)。首先收集所有自定义指标数据,然后每个场景使用该数据来计算其内容。然后 returns 一个 'score' 并选出最好的一个。

但是我怎样才能以最好的 'overview' 方式布局代码?

我是否应该为每个场景创建一个 Class 并给他们一个带有数据的手册 'tick'?然后将它们拆分成多个文件然后 #include 它们?

或者事件驱动?创建了 classes 并持续 运行ning,计算和设置特定指标事件的侦听器并按照自己的方式进行(那太棒了)



我现在没有时间创建 UML.. 但我现在执行以下操作 ->

每个 Strategy 实例都可以访问 IndicatorFetcher(持有所有指标数据的概览,并使用 Order 单例执行交易)。

. . . a remark on creeping subject

Whosebug encourages users to post MCVE-related questions, as the Community is motivated to provide MCVE-related answers.

algorithmic-trading, quantitative-finance and particularly MQL4 domains are very, very specific with respect to narrow-band specialisation & ultimate profit-oriented motivation of the problem domain.

That said, Whosebug seems not to be the very best place to discuss the high-level architecture and development strategy of trading-strategy development efforts and one may occasionally face a strong negative feedback from some self-constitued hardliners' policy enforcers.

While all above was mentioned, the last update of the question moves the subject another step farther from the said theoretical promoted Whosebug ideal. ( ... 've been warned )

Ad-hoc last Update:
on class-inheritance and singleton +other patterns architecture

You might reconsider a few facts, that are not Software-engineering evangelisation theory or best-practice oriented, but are very cardinal for Quant modelling, the trading domain is all about.

- OOD/OOP ideals may and will suffer from MQL4 language limited extensibility ( by far !C++)

- design patterns, common in other domains, need not work under MQL4 event-triggered restricted code-execution facility ( you have no means to control mainloop()-alike constructs with custom added event-listeners and have indeed many issues if trying to design an "MQL4-viable" MVC-alike frameworks living just "hung-under" OnTick() external event-injector.

- "multi"-strategy mode-of-operation idea devastates the whole StrategyTester framework for quantitative modelling and optimisation services. If indeed interested in Quant-modelling portfolio-aggregated strategies, there are other tools for doing this, but definitely not an MQL4-coding bottom-up.

- there is literally zero benefits from assembling many strategies under the same process, while risks of not executed XTO-operations are both out of your control and grow exponentially, which is exactly what a good design practice strives to avoid and principally prevent.


如您之前的问题所述,正确理解 MetaTrader Terminal 4 代码执行生态系统是否是您的最佳路线图。

MT4 的流程管理限制

这是任何大型项目的核心 alpha 和 omega。

虽然在带有 GUI-有限状态-自动机层的 MT4 事件方案之上完成了 GPU / GPU-grid / 混合双事件控制器,但将其实际状态馈送到分布式后端处理中以实现真正的快速的 MQL4-EA,所有这些宏伟的项目都是可行的 并且由于对共享资源使用稳定性(避免竞争条件)和主要非阻塞设计的适当关注而正常工作(避免冲突作为首选的并发方面)。


#include 还是 #include(这是一道题...)

无需询问丹麦王子哈姆雷特,#include 指令已为您的代码库做好准备,但它无法有效地处理您的所有压力靠自己。

根据为代码库提供开发和维护跨越数百人 * 年的经验,#include 不是万事通。

经过深思熟虑的选择... IDE 加上一些自制词法分析器和语法验证器 .. . 是关键,因为这是您的团队真正的生产力工具(或性能制动器,如果选择不好的话)。

不要犹豫read a few notes on this in this post


"how to program something HUGE in MQL4"


the trading has absolutely different goal - it is a for-profit discipline,
for which quantitative methods
are typically used before designing any code,
not vice-versa

This means
the quantitatively modelled Trading Strategy
( and due to reasons outside of the scope of this post
I prefer to rather declare it to be a TruStrategy, a 5-dimensional field of policies { S, D, A, A, T } )

shall provide an a-priori sense [The Profit-generation Performance]
before any code-implementation starts

That means,
any designer can propose a feasible approach only ad-hoc, not a-priori - be it finally resulting in a HUGE-legacy-code, a smart(er)-OOD-code or tiny & just-enough-code.

Without a known TruStrategy behaviour in all 5-dimensions
( not just the frequency of events, complexity of signal detection, sensitivity to alpha, beta & black-swan factors, how many trades are to be managed in parallel on-the-fly )
one knows literally nothing
hunting for nanoseconds inside a tight realtime event-flow control-loop
[if positioned near HFT end of spectrum]
fighting to reduce hours/days spent on maintaining then non-evolutionary models
[if petabytes of static data are first to be processed for adaptive AI/ML models from which a non-convex GridSearch cross-validation minimiser is to pick the most suitable members for a coalition-of-machines, that can robustly predict a set of 1 or 2 success-trade opportunities per week]

Believe me or not, the resulting code differs -- a lot...

对于复杂的场景,将每个场景拆分为 classes 会很有用。 类 分为相互交互的任务和数据。 指标可以包装在 Data-class 中,它被馈送到 Monitor-Task 中。可以创建一个大的 Action-task-class 来响应多个监视器 classes.

我一开始就在 OnTick 中收集所有数据。 然后我知道我拥有的所有数据。 与数据收集并行的是打印语句,因此我可以在“专家”选项卡中看到它们。可以使用其他几种方式来查看数据。 在这个带有所有打印语句的函数中,如果您需要在编写和调试代码时查找代码中的一些变量,您可以复制、粘贴到您正在工作的区域。

我用xmind.net免费版来做代码的流转。这有助于在更容易修复时识别问题。弄清楚你的伪代码,然后在它准备好时填写它。一些 Xmind 可能最终会出现在评论中。


使用 GitHub 或类似的方法来存储您的更改。拍摄所有代码的完整快照,包括 Files 文件夹中的任何内容等等。我宁愿保存东西而不需要它,也不愿需要它而不拥有它。

在您的发布版本中,请在前面加上日期,如下所示: JosephsProject.mq5 // 发布版本 - 被认为是功能性的 20201215_JosephsProject.mq5(还有可执行文件) 现在您可以获得这段代码,如果需要,您可以比较它的工作方式和现在的工作方式。您可以在创建“发布版本”时无需挖掘所有包含文件和快照即可进行测试。

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