scalaz - 函数组合 - WriterT

scalaz - function composition - WriterT

让我们在 \/ 上定义一个 Kleisli:

abstract class MyError
case class NumericalError(msg: String) extends MyError

// Either is a Monad with two type parameters: M[A,B] which represent left and right respectively
// Let's create an ad-hoc type
type EEither[+T] = \/[MyError, T]


def safeSqrtEither(t: Double): EEither[Double] =
  safeSqrtOpt(t) match {
    case Some(r) => r.right
    case None => NumericalError("Sqrt on double is not define if _ < 0").left
val kSafeSqrtEither = Kleisli.kleisli( (x: Double) => safeSqrtEither(x) )


val pipeEither = kSafeSqrtEither >>> kSafeSqrtEither
val r5b = pipeEither2 run 16.0
//which gives r5b: EEither[Double] = \/-(2.0)


type LoggedROCFun[I,O] = I => WriterT[EEither,scalaz.NonEmptyList[String],O]
val sqrtWithLog: LoggedROCFun[Double, Double] =
  (t: Double) =>
    WriterT.put(kSafeSqrtEither(t))(s"squared $t".wrapNel)


val resA = sqrtWithLog(16.0)
// resA: scalaz.WriterT[EEither,scalaz.NonEmptyList[String],Double] = WriterT(\/-((NonEmpty[squared 16.0],4.0)))



val combinedFunction = sqrtWithLog >>> sqrtWithLog
val r = combinedFunction run 16.0
// r: WriterT(\/-((NonEmpty[squared 16.0, squared 4.0],2.0)))


def myCompositionOp[I,A,B](f1: LoggedROCFun[I,A])(f2: LoggedROCFun[A,B]): LoggedROCFun[I,B] =
  (x: I) => {
    val e = f1.apply(x)
    val v1: EEither[A] = e.value
    v1 match {
        case Right(v)  => f2(v)
        case Left(err) =>
          val lastLog = e.written
          val v2 = err.left[B]


在上面我首先将f1应用到x,然后我将结果传递给f2。否则,我会短路到 Left。 这是错误的,因为在 Right 的情况下,我删除了以前的日志记录历史。


val safeDivWithLog: Kleisli[W, (Double,Double), Double] =
  Kleisli.kleisli[W, (Double, Double), Double]( (t: (Double, Double)) => {
    val (n,d) = t
    WriterT.put(safeDivEither(t))(s"divided $n by $d".wrapNel)
val combinedFunction2 = safeDivWithLog >>> sqrtWithLog
val rAgain = combinedFunction2 run (-10.0,2.0)
// rAgain: W[Double] = WriterT(-\/(NumericalError(Sqrt on double is not define if _ < 0)))

不确定为什么在管道切换到 Left 后日志没有传送。是不是因为:

来源:here, scalaz, here, and real world haskell on transformers

你已经很接近了——问题只是你把你的 Kleisli 埋了,而你想要它在外面。您的 LoggedROCFun 只是一个普通函数,普通函数的 Compose 实例要求第一个函数的输出与第二个函数的输入类型匹配。如果你制作 sqrtWithLog kleisli 箭头,它会很好用:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

abstract class MyError
case class NumericalError(msg: String) extends MyError

type EEither[T] = \/[MyError, T]

def safeSqrtEither(t: Double): EEither[Double] =
  if (t >= 0) math.sqrt(t).right else NumericalError(
    "Sqrt on double is not define if _ < 0"

type W[A] = WriterT[EEither, NonEmptyList[String], A]

val sqrtWithLog: Kleisli[W, Double, Double] =
  Kleisli.kleisli[W, Double, Double](t =>
    WriterT.put(safeSqrtEither(t))(s"squared $t".wrapNel)

val combinedFunction = sqrtWithLog >>> sqrtWithLog
val r = combinedFunction run 16.0


回应你的评论:如果你想让作者在失败中积累,你需要翻转转换器中 EitherWriter 的顺序:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

abstract class MyError
case class NumericalError(msg: String) extends MyError

type EEither[T] = \/[MyError, T]

def safeSqrtEither(t: Double): EEither[Double] =
  if (t >= 0) math.sqrt(t).right else NumericalError(
    "Sqrt on double is not define if _ < 0"

type W[A] = Writer[List[String], A]
type E[A] = EitherT[W, MyError, A]

val sqrtWithLog: Kleisli[E, Double, Double] =
  Kleisli.kleisli[E, Double, Double](t =>
    EitherT[W, MyError, Double](safeSqrtEither(t).set(List(s"squared $t")))

val constNegative1: Kleisli[E, Double, Double] =
  Kleisli.kleisli[E, Double, Double](_ => -1.0.point[E])

val combinedFunction = sqrtWithLog >>> constNegative1 >>> sqrtWithLog


res9: scalaz.Id.Id[List[String]] = List(squared 16.0, squared -1.0)

请注意,这不适用于编写器中的 NonEmptyList,因为您需要能够 return 一个空日志,例如。我使用了 List,但在实际代码中,您需要一种附加成本较低的类型。