如何设置整数的前三个字节?在 C++ 中

How to set first three bytes of integer? in C++

我想在 C++ 中将整数的前三个字节设置为 0。我试过这段代码,但我的整数变量 a 没有改变,输出总是 -63。我做错了什么?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
  int a = 4294967233;
  std::cout << a << std::endl;
  for(int i = 0; i< 24; i++)
        a |= (0 << (i+8));
        std::cout <<  a << std::endl;


您需要 &= 而不是 |=


a &= 0xFF000000; // Drops all but the third lowest byte
a &= 0x000000FF; // Drops all but the lowest byte

(感谢@JSF 的更正)

正如@black 所指出的,您可以使用 Digit separators 自 C++14 以来,以使您的代码更具可读性:

a &= 0xFF'00'00'00; // Drops all but the third lowest byte
a &= 0x00'00'00'FF; // Drops all but the lowest byte

如果你的意思是 "first" 不是最低的,那么利用别名规则让 char 别名任何东西的事实:

  int a = 4294967233;
  char* p=&a;
  p[0] = whatever you wanted there
  p[1] = whatever you wanted there
  p[2] = whatever you wanted there



union also could be a choice

union my_type{
    int i;
    unsigned int u;
    unsigned char bytes[4];
my_type t;
t.u = 0xabcdefab;
t.bytes[0] = 5; // t.u = 0x05cdefab