Angular 2 服务未注入组件

Angular 2 service not being injected into component

我在 Angular2 (2.0.0-beta.0) 应用程序中定义了一项服务。是这样的:

import {Injectable} from "angular2/core";

export class MyService {
    constructor() {


    getSomething() {
        return 'something';

我已将它列在我的主应用程序文件的 bootstrap() 函数中,以便我的代码通常可以使用它:

bootstrap(App, [MyService, SomeOtherService, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES[);

有时我无法在组件中使用该服务,即使我在组件 constructor() 函数中有类似 myService:MyService 的内容,如下所示:

import {MyService} from '../services/my.service';

    selector: 'my-component',
    directives: [],
    providers: [],
    pipes: [],
    template: `
    <div><button (click)="doStuff()">Click Me!</button></div>
export MyComponent {
    constructor(myService:MyService) {} // note the private keyword

    doStuff() {
        return this.myService.getSomething();


EXCEPTION: TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSomething' of undefined



问题是,除非您在构造函数中将注入的对象标记为 privatepublic



import {MyService} from '../services/my.service';

    selector: 'my-component',
    directives: [],
    providers: [],
    pipes: [],
    template: `
    <div><button (click)="doStuff()">Click Me!</button></div>
export MyComponent {
    constructor(private myService:MyService) {} // note the private keyword

    doStuff() {
        return this.myService.getSomething();


在组件的构造方法中不添加privatepublic 关键字 myService 变量被评估为局部变量,因此被销毁在方法调用结束时。

当你添加privatepublic 关键字,TypeScript 会将变量添加到 class 属性,因此您稍后可以用 this[= 调用 属性 29=] 关键字。

constructor(myService: MyService) {
  // This will works because 'myService', is declared as an argument
  // of the 'constructor' method.

doStuff() {
  return (this.myService.getSomething());
  // This will not works because 'myService' variable is a local variable
  // of the 'constructor' method, so it's not defined here.