
Data cannot be retrieved by given a specific month

我想检索属于 12 的月份的数据。

 public Cursor readData()
        Cursor c=database.rawQuery(" SELECT _id, Date,Weather,Status, TimeIn_Info, TimeOut_Info FROM " + MyDatabaseHelper.TABLE_INFO +
                        " WHERE  strftime('%m',Date) = ? ",
                new String[]{12+""}, null);
        if (c != null) {
        return c;

但是,没有显示任何数据。我确定它有一个 12 月的数据。

MyDatabaseHelper Table_Info

     public static final String TABLE_INFO="Information";
     public static final String Date="Date";
     public static final String Status="Status";
     public static final String TimeIn_Info="TimeIn_Info";
     public static final String TimeOut_Info="TimeOut_Info";
     public static final String Weather="Weather";
     public static final String Name="Name";

     public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            db.execSQL("create table " + TABLE_INFO + " ( " + ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,Name TEXT,Weather TEXT, Date DATETIME, Status Text, TimeIn_Info DATE TIME, TimeOut_Info DATETIME)");

我 select 使用 date-time picker 的日期,日期保存格式为 19-12-2015.


There are nothing wrong with my database because data get displayed when I change the condition to name.


您可以尝试将插入日期时间更改为格式:2015-12-15 (%Y-%m-%d)